Autistic Starbucks Barista Serves Drinks With A Side Of Serious Dance Moves

A Starbucks barista's dance moves have turned him into an online sensation.

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Sam is an autistic Canadian teen with a movement disorder; a condition that leaves him unable to keep still for extended periods of time.

The video of him dancing at work was posted to Facebook by advocate Carly Fleischmann, who blogs about living with autism.

“When he was offered a position to work at Starbucks, Sam told his parents that for the first time in his life ... his life had real meaning,” Carly wrote in a post.

Sam never thought his condition would allow him to work, let alone behind a bar making coffee drinks. But with the help of Sam’s Starbucks manager Chris, the teen was able to turn his jerky movements into dance.

Fleischmann posted the video to raise awareness for people living with autism and said it was her “birthday wish” for the video of Sam dancing to go viral.

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“More people like Sam need to be seen, heard and given a chance to thrive and dance,” Carly wrote in her post.

Watch: Mom of Boy With Autism Praises Apple Store Worker's Simple Act of Kindness

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