Author Brooks Lamb signs copies of his novel at The Bookshelf

Sep. 10—THOMASVILLE- The Bookshelf was abound with customers on Saturday afternoon, as they hosted author Brooks Lamb for a book signing.

Lamb, who wrote Love for the Land: Lessons from Farmers Who Persist in Place, began his trek from Memphis, Tennessee to the Bookshelf on Wednesday, hosting various events throughout his roadtrip.

Lamb and his wife first stopped in Chattanooga on Thursday night, where they had a book signing event with a local book store, before traveling to Atlanta on Friday. While in Atlanta, the couple experienced their first Braves game and visited Coca-Cola World, playing tourist for the day.

Saturday morning, the duo woke up, first stopping in Plains to visit the hometown of former President Jimmy Carter, before spending the rest of the afternoon in Thomasville.

"We walked the block, saw the Big Oak Tree and have really enjoyed getting to see Thomasville for a little while, we are just really happy to be here," Lamb said.

Lamb's book signing began at 2 p.m. on Saturday, where 30-40 books had been ordered for eager customers, looking to get his signature.

During the signing, Lamb got to hear from several customers about their personal stories related to farming and land preservation, something he said he really enjoyed.

"One thing I've really enjoyed during these book signings is people often come with a story of a place; it might be a farm, I've had people talk to me about growing up on a farm and talk to me about food, but others come up and talk about a park in their community that they take care of," he said. "Getting to have those conversations about a place, rather it's a farm, a park, an urban garden or a big oak tree, it's really fun to hear aabout what these places mean to people."

With Saturday's signing being the second on his tour, he said he was very pleased with the turnout and the impact local organizations have had on getting the word out about his book and the purpose behind the story.

For those who were unable to attend Saturday's signing, The Bookshelf will be selling copies of Lamb's work until it sells out.