Aussie bro is crowdfunding for a new pair of flip-flops after he lost his faves

It's very annoying losing a pair of flip-flops, or "thongs" if you're Australian. As a matter of fact, the comfy "shoes" are something of a national uniform Down Under.

And because some pairs of thongs are damn expensive nowadays, one man is turning to crowdfunding to source his next pair after his previous rubber beauties were stolen.

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"Some bugger nicked me pluggers" is the name of the GoFundMe campaign organised by Clancy Whalan from Darwin, Australia. 

Image: screenshot/gofundme

"Went fishing and left me new wheels at the boat ramp cos [sic] it's no luck taking them on the boat and some knucklehead has come along and nicked them," reads the campaign's description.

The campaign has so far managed to collect A$69 thanks to the aid of a grand total of nine people, which is a brilliant effort, considering it's just a piece of cheap rubber footwear.

"I didn't think it would go that far," Whalan told ABC News. He told the news outlet that these weren't any regular thongs, but had bottle openers on the bottom of them. We'd like to know where to obtain these bottle-opening "pluggers."

"I'd had them for at least two years. They were actually my backup thongs as I lost my new thongs a few weeks earlier. I'd left them on a mate's boat on Beer Can Regatta Day," he said.

The crowdfunding campaign started as "a bit of a laugh," but now he's actually made some money. It'll be going to charity, of course, once he figures out how the crowdfunding site actually pays him.