Audrey Hepburn and Sumo: The Week in Pop-Culture Writing

The Elegant, Rare Career of Audrey Hepburn Noel Murray | The Dissolve "Audrey Hepburn’s movie-career story is about an actress who was often miscast, and even more often was misappropriated by Hollywood as a symbol of something the culture at large was losing."

The Sea of Crises Brian Phillips | Grantland "When he comes into the ring, Hakuho, the greatest sumotori in the world, perhaps the greatest in the history of the world, dances like a tropical bird, like a bird of paradise."

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What Is An Ending? 'Serial' And The Ongoing Story Of Wanting Too Much Linda Holmes | NPR "Why couldn't we do the same with a piece of fiction?"

The War of the Words Keith Gessen | Vanity Fair “'Publishing is inefficient; print is inefficient. I mean, yeah. But inefficiency, that’s human. That’s what being human is.'”

The Duke of Doubt Kelefa Sanneh | The New Yorker "Rock knows that his films, unlike his standup routines, haven’t generally met with rapturous enthusiasm, although some of them might be described as cult classics. "

The Right to a Sexual Narrative: On the Lena Dunham Abuse Claims Jia Tolentino | Jezebel "Part of granting people the ability to tell their own sexual narrative is granting them the ability to tell their own sexual narrative, whether it matches your reading or not."

Why Taylor Swift Is Nuts for Leaving Spotify Bill Wyman | Vulture "The decision might put a frownie face on even the nicest pop star's tour accountant."

Natalie & Me Soraya Robers | The Hairpin "I have lived with Natalie Portman in my head for 20 years."

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