Ask the Captain: Why haven't black boxes been replaced by streaming technology?

Question: Why are airlines still using 50-plus-year-old black boxes, which many times after unfortunate crashes cannot be found or are damaged, when the technology currently exists to transmit all the same cockpit data and voice information in real time via satellite communications?

– Walter Winnitzki, Long Island, New York

Answer: While technically possible, there are significant issues with real-time up-streaming of data. Who owns the data? What can it be used for? Can it be hacked?

The Digital Flight Data and Cockpit Voice recorders have proven to be very successful over the decades. There is reluctance to lose this proven technology.

You refer to “many times” the recorders do not provide data. The number of such cases is very, very low.

There may come a time when real-time uploading of data is used, but the unresolved issues and costs have so far kept the industry relying on the proven technology of recorders.

Q: Why is the black box still on the plane? If the plane is not recovered then the data on board is lost. Surely these days it should be possible to transmit this data to ground stations en route?

– David Paphos, Cyprus

A: Although it is feasible to stream data, the storage and bandwidth requirements are significant. It is much more expensive and there are serious legal issues that remain unresolved.

Other than Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, airplanes involved in serious incidents or accidents have been found. The use of recorders has been very effective for a long time.

In the relatively near future airplane position will be known all around the world as dependable satellite coverage increases, making recovery even more likely.

Q: Captain Cox, I love your column, thank you. With all of the redundancies on modern aircraft, why are there not duplicate black boxes (FDR, CVRs) located in the front and rear of the plane?

– Garry, Cincinnati

A: The regulators have not found a need to carry the extra weight. CVR and DFDRs have proven tough and provided data even after damage by impact forces or fire. There is a redundancy by having two recorders.

The other issue is cost.

John Cox is a retired airline captain with US Airways and runs his own aviation safety consulting company, Safety Operating Systems.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Ask the Captain: Why haven't black boxes been replaced by streaming technology?