Arya had a truly triumphant (and savage) return in the 'Game of Thrones' finale

A post has no name, but a post contains spoilers. 

Well, there's one less name on Arya Stark's kill list.

Even though we last saw Arya on Braavos two episodes ago, telling Jaqen H'ghar that she has a name, she wound up in Riverrun in the finale, giving further proof that distance means nothing in Game of Thrones.

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There, she murders Walder Frey after brutally feeding him his sons. Everyone cheered.

Despite the fact that Ayra's return was something of a surprise and Frey's death was a welcome one, the most important thing about the now-youngest Stark's return is that it gave fans some renewed hope for her storyline. 

After two seasons of Arya in Braavos, many grew tired of the lack of progress in the formerly beloved character's path. And when she made some terrible decisions and then had a laughably miraculous recovery from being stabbed in the stomach several times, fans became annoyed. 

But now, there is a greater sense of what Ayra can and will do with her new powers. Maybe Jaqen let her take a face or two on her way out, or maybe she can just don whatever head she wants, but now, it's pretty sure that she is a deft and vicious assassin. 

That's something most were very happy to see. 

Welcome back, Arya.