Ark. hospitals release study on Medicaid expansion

Ark. hospitals' study says Medicaid expansion would save state money, create jobs

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) -- A study from the Arkansas Hospital Association says expanding Medicaid's eligibility would result in a $664 million net savings to the state over the next several years and create thousands of jobs. The head of the association says the impact would be similar in a new approach being considered that would use Medicaid dollars to purchase private insurance.

The association on Monday released a study it commissioned looking at the impact of expansion. The study was conducted by George Washington University and Regional Economic Modeling Incorporated.

The study said the expansion would create 8,600 new jobs in 2014 and 10,600 new jobs by 2020.

The study was conducted before officials announced a new proposal that would use Medicaid dollars to purchase private insurance on the exchange for the newly eligible.