Ariana Grande inspires beautiful self-love movement on social media

Ariana Grande doesn't mind stopping to take photos with fans, but she does get upset when her fans crop themselves out of the pictures.

On Sunday the 24-year-old singer shared an inspirational message on her Instagram Story, calling on fans to practice self-love and proudly share photos of themselves.

"I love meeting y’all out and about, it makes me so happy!" Grande wrote. "But it makes me so sad when y’all don’t put your faces in the photos or put emojis over your faces or ask to not be in them! You show me so much unconditional love all the time no matter what TF I look like."

Image: screengrab via ariana grande/instagram

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"You deserve to show yourselves that same kindness," Grande went on. "Please learn to give that to yourselves! You will get there and you deserve it and I love you the very same way! Sweet dreams."

Grande's fans often share selfies they've taken with the singer but crop themselves out or cover their own faces with an emoji, Buzzfeed noted, but after Grande's call to action something beautiful happened.

Within a few hours fans began bravely posting photographs of themselves on social media, using the hashtag #SelfiesForAriana. Many shared how the singer had impacted the way they see themselves and helped empower them to practice body positivity.

The movement quickly spread across the platform, with users of all ages, genders, and locations taking part and supporting others using the hashtag.

Once Grande saw how fans were responding to her request she shared footage of herself scrolling through the hashtag, writing, "I love you so gahhhhdamn much."

Image: screengrab via ariana grande/instagram


Grande shared a final thought on the impromptu movement, writing, "Y'all are such a light in my life thank you for making my day already. Love you miss u still."

Image: screengrab via ariana grande/instagram

This isn't the first time the singer has shared a message to encourage fans to love themselves and their bodies, but it's always nice to see social media — which can be riddled with so much negativity — being used for such important and uplifting reasons such as these.

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