Appointed Macon commissioner running to keep the seat. Here’s who they’ll compete against

Greg Turner, Thomas E. Hudson and Renoalda L. Scott are running against incumbent Brendalyn C. Bailey for the District 9 seat on the Macon-Bibb County Commission.

Bailey was appointed to office earlier this year after former District 9 Commissioner Al Tillman resigned. Bailey previously ran against Tillman in 2020, and is seeking a full four-year term. Major issues for the four candidates include improving infrastructure, reducing crime and creating opportunities for young people.

Turner is a Vietnam veteran and currently serves as the associate pastor and Sunday School teacher at Greater Zion Hill Baptist Church. Hudson was a part of the Bibb County School District and Macon Transit Authority boards. Scott is the family self-sufficiency coordinator for Macon Housing Authority in addition to working as a certified housing specialist and tax preparer with VIVA TAX through the IRS. Bailey is a retired educator who continues to teach at Central Georgia Technical College.

Early voting ends Friday, and Election Day takes place on Tuesday. Because the race is non-partisan, it will be decided in May instead of during the General Election in November. The winner’s term will begin Jan. 1.

The answers below are from the candidates in their own words, but slight edits have been made for clarity and writing style.

Greg Turner

What makes you qualified to run for office?

I believe my diverse background and experience uniquely qualifies me to serve as county commissioner. I have developed a unique understanding of the challenges facing our county and the skills needed to address them effectively.

How do you plan on connecting with Macon residents on the campaign trail and while in office?

Connecting with Macon residents is one of my top priorities as a candidate for commissioner. I believe that effective representation begins with listening to the concerns and priorities of our community members. To that end, I plan to implement several strategies to ensure that every resident has a voice in our community government.

What are the three biggest issues you see in Macon-Bibb County?

The first is economic development and job creation. One of the most significant challenges facing our county is the need to stimulate economic growth and create job opportunities for our residents. Too many families are struggling to make ends meet.

The second issue is infrastructure and public services. Our county’s infrastructure is in need of critical repairs and upgrades, ranging from road maintenance to wastewater management. Additionally, access to essential public services such as health care, education and transportation remains a concern for many residents, particularly in underserved communities.

Finally, public safety and crime prevention is a concern. Like many urban areas, Macon-Bibb County faces persistent issues related to crime and public safety. Ensuring the safety and security of our residents must be a top priority for county leadership.

How do you plan to solve these issues while in office?

These are just a few of the pressing issues facing Macon-Bibb County, and addressing them will require strategic planning, effective leadership and community engagement.

Addressing public safety requires implementing comprehensive crime strategies, investing in community community policing initiatives and addressing the root causes of crime, such as poverty and substance abuse.

To stimulate economic development, we must prioritize initiatives that attract businesses, support local entrepreneurs and invest in workforce development programs.

Is there anything else you would like to add that you feel is important for voters to know?

I am committed to tackling these challenges head-on and working tirelessly to build a brighter future for all of our residents of Macon-Bibb County. Our community is a vibrant community. Every voice matters. Your vote is your voice. As a candidate for commissioner, I understand the importance of your vote. It’s not just about choosing a name, it’s about choosing the direction of our community. Join me on May 21 as we make history together. Your vote is your power to create change and build a better community for all of us. Mark your calendars, remember May 21 is your chance to make a difference.

Thomas E. Hudson

What makes you qualified to run for office?

I am uniquely qualified to represent District 9 as a county commissioner because of my previous experience as a member of the Bibb County Board of Education. During my tenure, we rebuilt Southwest High School, Ballard Hudson Middle School and John R. Lewis Elementary. We increased minority vendors for public schools. I served as chair for the Macon Transit Authority. During my tenure, we received federal funding to expand routes, and moved into the terminal station which is handicapped accessible. I am a graduate of both Leadership Macon and Fort Valley State.

How do you plan on connecting with Macon residents on the campaign trail and while in office?

I have lived in District 9 since 1976. I am well known in Macon and Bibb County. I intend to engage with the residents of District 9 in schools, churches and public functions. I will also be accessible via phone, text and email. I also intend to engage in the district through political forums and electronic media.

What are the three biggest issues you see in Macon-Bibb County?

The three major issues that I’d address in Macon-Bibb County are poverty, public safety and juvenile delinquency and unemployment.

How do you plan to solve these issues while in office?

I plan to work with the mayor and other commissioners to determine the underlying causes and contributing factors of our issues. That way, we can implement research-based programs to address poverty, crime and barriers to employment. I strongly recommend process and outcome evaluations to determine the effectiveness of programs.

Is there anything else you would like to add that you feel is important for voters to know?

In closing, I’d like to say that I’m very committed to the betterment of District 9 and Macon-Bibb County. I am a dedicated public servant with over 40 years of experience. I plan to continue to be equally as dedicated and successful for District 9 in the future.

Renoalda L. Scott

What makes you qualified to run for office?

I am well-qualified to run for office due to a robust blend of my educational background, professional experience and community involvement. Though I did not complete my degree programs at Clark Atlanta University and Mercer University due to unforeseen life circumstances, I have consistently demonstrated resilience and a commitment to professional growth. This is evidenced by my pursuit and achievement of various certifications that are directly relevant to the role I seek. Professionally, I am a certified district manager with extensive experience in project management. I have successfully led multiple projects ensuring property maintenance and financial efficiency, skills that are vital for effective governance and fiscal responsibility. My role allowed me to impact and improve property operations directly, ensuring they thrived while maintaining budget discipline, an experience that translates well into managing public resources effectively. Beyond my professional life, I have a strong track record of community service. As a certified tax professional, I have been actively involved with the IRS’s VITA program for over five years, assisting community members with tax preparation. This role not only showcases my financial acumen but also my dedication to empowering community members by helping them understand and manage their finances, an essential skill for any public servant. Overall, my educational pursuits, despite the setbacks, combined with my professional experience and community service, equip me with a unique perspective and the necessary skills to serve effectively in office. I am committed to leveraging my knowledge and experience for the betterment of our community.

How do you plan on connecting with Macon residents on the campaign trail and while in office?

My connection to the residents of Macon-Bibb County, particularly those in District 9, is deeply rooted in my lifelong residency and extensive service to the community. Over the past 15 years, I have dedicated myself to improving the lives of our citizens through various impactful programs targeting youth, seniors and families in need. My efforts range from providing housing assistance that helps transition individuals from homelessness to homeownership, to implementing nourishment programs that ensure our community members receive essential meals. During my campaign, I plan to deepen these connections by engaging directly with residents through neighbor watch meetings, listening tours with one-on-one home visits and increasing presence in local and faith based events. These platforms will not only allow me to share my vision, but more importantly listen to the concerns and suggestions from the community, ensuring their voices are heard and reflected in policies.

Once elected, I will continue to be an accessible and responsive representative. Our office will maintain an open-door policy, and we will implement regular community check-ins and updates to keep residents informed and involved in the legislative process. I am committed to not just being a voice for our community, but also an ear to every concern, big or small.

Renoalda L. Scott is about giving Bibb County a new voice and a new shift, focusing on education and empowerment so that every resident not only understands the policies affecting them but also feel they have a direct line to influence these decisions. This approach will not only ensure sustained engagement with the community during my tenure but also strengthen our collective ability to face challenges and seize opportunities together.

What are the three biggest issues you see in Macon-Bibb County?

In my view, the three most pressing issues facing Macon-Bibb County today are blight and housing, food scarcity and economic development for the youth. Each of these challenges not only impacts the quality of life for our residents but also the overall health and future of our community. By addressing these issues comprehensively, I believe we can create a stronger, more vibrant Macon-Bibb County. My commitment is to not only propose effective solutions but to actively engage with the community to implement these changes effectively, ensuring a brighter future for all our residents.

How do you plan to solve these issues while in office?

To effectively address the critical challenges in Macon-Bibb County, I plan to adopt a multifaceted approach that leverages partnerships, enhances educational opportunities and maximizes the utility of existing but underutilized services.

My commitment is to level the playing field by ensuring that all residents, regardless of their background, have access to the services and opportunities they need to thrive. By optimizing the use of existing resources and forging strong partnerships, we can address these pressing issues more effectively and create a more prosperous future for Macon-Bibb County.

Is there anything else you would like to add that you feel is important for voters to know?

As we approach this pivotal election, I want the voters of Macon-Bibb County to know that it is time for a new voice and a new shift in our local government. Our community deserves leaders who do more than just speak — leaders who will take decisive action to improve our living conditions and enhance our quality of life. We are at a crucial juncture where the status quo is no longer acceptable. The challenges we face — from blight and housing shortages to food scarcity and the need for better economic opportunities for our youth — demand real solutions and real commitment. I am dedicated to transforming our discussions into concrete actions that will bring visible and meaningful changes to our community. Moreover, I am committed to fostering a government that values transparency, one that holds itself accountable to the people it serves. It is essential that every resident of Macon-Bibb County feels empowered and involved in the decisions that affect them. My office will always be open to you, ensuring that your voice is not only heard but also acted upon. Together, we can ensure a brighter future for Macon-Bibb County. A vote for me is a vote for action, accountability and a proactive approach to the challenges we face. Let us embrace this opportunity for change and make our county a model of good governance and community collaboration. New voice, new shift!

Brendalyn C. Bailey

What makes you qualified to run for office?

I have a Bachelor of Science in Human Services from Mercer University in Macon, a Masters of Business Administration from Wesleyan College and I’m a veteran of the United States Army, where I was a 91B medic and 91Q pharmacy specialist. I graduated from Minnie Butler Elementary School in District 9, and I also attended and received a diploma from Central High School, also in District 9. I worked for several years at the Bibb County Board of Education in various capacities, and then for the Boeing Company as the administrator for its learning center services over certified training. I recently retired from Central Georgia Technical College where I taught Business Administrative Technology and Computer Sciences.

My family was among the first families to live in this area. I grew up knowing the people that I now serve. I played with them as a child. I taught their children in elementary school, high school and then college. This makes me the prime candidate for this position. This is where me and my family have always called home. My sisters, aunts, cousins, in-laws, friends and my church are all in District 9. I am firmly invested in seeing this area evolve and prosper.

How do you plan on connecting with Macon residents on the campaign trail and while in office?

The best way to connect with Macon residents is to meet them where they are: online, on social media, in local stores, by email, at functions, in the office setting and by simply serving the community.

What are the three biggest issues you see in Macon-Bibb County?

A big issue does not need to be negative. However, I find that there are such rich talents in community leadership that we simply must be elected for the next two cycles.

Finally, we have a network of individuals that are dedicated to solving problems and not just litigating, building networks and not just working, and fostering positive new ideas and not just brainstorming. It will take time to change what a lack in these efficiencies have done from the previous administrations, but Macon is well on its way.

How do you plan to solve those issues while in office?

I plan to continue to think out of the box and support the citizens of our county by respecting their needs and ideas for a brighter future where citizens and future generations can thrive holistically.

Is there anything else you would like to add that you feel is important for voters to know?

Minus the education and career paths that I have taken with my life — and minus the fact that I have lived in District 9 for the vast majority of my life — what binds me to this position as incumbent county commissioner is my desire to make certain that every child, every adult and every person I’ve touched with my life have the same opportunities to excel as I have had.