'Trump Chicken' dressed as a prisoner to sail around San Francisco

A gigantic inflatable “Trump chicken” donning a prison uniform is due to set sail from San Francisco Bay on a boat called “Alcatraz Prison Transport” on Sunday.

The 33-foot blimp, which depicts US president Donald Trump, is dressed in black and white prison stripes and labelled “Prisoner 45”.

According to Bay Area KRON 4 News, the boat is expected to make its way along San Francisco's coast.

(Go Fund Me / thetrumpchicken.org )
(Go Fund Me / thetrumpchicken.org )

This is not far from Alcatraz Island - home of the infamous maximum security prison that closed in the 1960’s.

The Trump Chicken reportedly made its inaugural appearance last year during the San Francisco Tax March and even managed to make it all the way to the White House in February.

It was most recently seen on an “Alcatraz Prison Transport” boat floating around the notoriously inescapable prison island complex.

A GoFundMe page was set up in order to accumulate money for the chicken’s escapades and pay for the cost of rental boats.

According to the page called "Send President Chicken Off To Jail”, the Trump Chicken is scheduled to launch into the water at 11.30am and sail along the coast until 3pm.

"After the week the world has had, we all want to see Trump in jail," organiser Anne Pruett wrote on the fundraising page which has raised more than $700 of donations to pay for Trump Chicken's expedition.

Organisers invited members of the public to the inflatable’s launch on Sunday, writing: ”If you can't contribute money, we need your voice at the water's edge.”

"We want to give you a chance to speak your piece to the Chicken President when we sail our 33-foot bird... slowly down the Embarcadero and further south," they added, branding it a chance to "speak truth to poultry.”

This comes after a 20-foot inflatable called “Trump baby” depicting Mr Trump as an angry Tango-coloured inflant holding on to a smartphone flew over central London earlier in the month.

The blimp was raised in Parliament Square in protest at the president’s four-day visit to the UK.

New Jersey activist Didier Jimenez-Castro managed to raise more than $23,000 in a bid to fly the “Trump baby” blimp over the president’s golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey, where he frequently spends his weekends.

Another fundraiser was launched to bring “Trump Baby” to Washington DC during the former property developer’s military parade.

A 15-foot inflatable rat that looks like the president made its way to Washington in 2017.

The Trump Rat was created by New York gallery owner John Post Lee who has called the piece "Castigat Ridendo Mores” - a Latin phrase which means that you can correct morals with ridicule.