'The Simpsons' Puerto Rico message gets a thank you from San Juan's mayor

On the opening episode of the 29th season of The Simpsons (yes, there's been that many), the show closed with a moment of solidarity for the people of Puerto Rico.

A still of all The Simpsons characters remained on screen for five seconds at the end of the show, according to EW. It featured the Puerto Rico flag and Marge Simpson holding a sign with the word "unido," — that's "united" in English.

SEE ALSO: Dogs rescued from Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria are being adopted

Here's the image, as tweeted by the show's Twitter account on Oct. 2, which included the handles for charities Unicef, Save the Children, and the One America Appeal.

Given the Trump administration's handling of the disaster-ravaged island, the response to the act of solidarity by the show has certainly been welcomed.

None more than San Juan mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz, who has been vocal in trying to get help from the federal government since Hurricane Maria hit. She tweeted a photo with herself, and a poster of the image from The Simpsons.

"Love that you always say what you mean no matter the consequences," she wrote on Twitter. Don't they ever.

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