'Seal' swim analyzer measures your stroke form and power

You can learn more about your stroke distribution after each lap.

Samsung and Speedo aren't the only companies targeting swimmers with new products at IFA 2017. In addition the mobile giant's Gear Fit 2 Pro and Gear Sport earlier this week, Platysens, a startup based out of Hong Kong, is doing something different with its Seal swim analyzers. Still at the prototype stage, these wearable rings help swimmers measure their hands' movement and force as they push through the water, letting them use that data through a companion app to learn more about things like their stroke distribution. They can check whether their left hand is weaker than the right one, for example.

In addition to force measurement and motion analysis, the sensors inside the Seal can also track and left-right hand symmetry and their rhythm. Naturally, syncing to your smartphone is done wirelessly over Bluetooth, and the idea is you'll share your data with coaches who can digest that and utilize it as a training tool.

Platysens says it hopes to turn its Seal prototypes into an actual product six months from now, though it doesn't know how much they'll be if that ever happens. Let's hope it actually does though, because there's definitely plenty of potential here.

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