'The Rock' discusses the possibility of running for President in 2020

There's only one thing standing in the way of The Rock becoming President in 2020, and that's Kevin Hart.

SEE ALSO: Dwayne 'the Rock' Johnson has a theory about why he was usurped as sexiest man alive

During an appearance on The Graham Norton Show on Friday, Dwayne Johnson was asked the question on everybody's lips: will he be making a stab at the presidency in a few years time?

"Here's the problem," Johnson responded. "It's been very flattering, right, that there's been this really interesting uptick in public opinion [...] but the problem is this guy to my right will completely sabotage the campaign."

This guy to my right being, of course, Kevin Hart.

Still: The Rock seems to have firm support from Jessica Chastain and Rebel Wilson, so perhaps there's still hope.