'We make £1,000s by renting out our cameras and cars online'

Filmaker David Ojo rents out his camera and electrical equipment online and has made £4,500 since June - Jeff Gilbert
Filmaker David Ojo rents out his camera and electrical equipment online and has made £4,500 since June - Jeff Gilbert

Online marketplaces such as eBay have been offering savvy consumers a way to boost their income by selling unwanted items or setting up micro-businesses since the late Nineties.

But consumers are now finding that they can earn significantly more hiring out belongings such as cameras, musical instruments, tents and bicycles to other individuals using "peer-to-peer" rental platforms.

Such websites also offer money-making opportunities to those with cars gathering dust in the garage, empty driveways or spare space in their homes that could be used to store a stranger's belongings. They work in a similar way to other "sharing economy" websites such as AirBnb and Uber. 

David Ojo, a film maker from London, managed to make an old microphone pay for itself the first time he hired it out on Fat Lama, a London-focused website that opened for business in November 2016.

Mr Ojo, 23, bought the microphone for £50 and began to offer it to Fat Lama users for £5 a day. The first person who came along hired it for 10 days. A pair of LED lights that cost him £700 to buy are available for £30 a day.

He began to rent out his belongings at the end of June this year because he had a number of cameras, electronic devices and filming equipment just "lying around". He said he had bookings on a daily basis and had made around £4,500 since he joined the site.

The key is to be competitive. Mr Ojo said he undercut not only the professional equipment companies but other users of the website. He has rented out cameras to all sorts of people, from film students who wanted to make a music video to a couple who were touring Britain and wanted to take "lovely pictures".

Mr Ojo had used eBay before to sell low-value stationery but found he couldn't compete with overseas wholesalers. He said it was much more convenient, and more lucrative, to hire out items he already owned.

While hi-tech equipment appears to be in demand, Mr Obe says it was worth listing any belongings you were not using as you never knew what would be popular.

Instruments listed on Fat Lama - Credit: Fat Lama
Unused musical instruments can be hired out to boost your income Credit: Fat Lama

Telegraph Money found bicycles listed on Fat Lama for between £5 and £175 a day. Musical instruments can also be found the site - guitars are offered for between £5 and £75 a day.

Those with sports equipment, camping gear, tools or furniture gathering dust can also get in on the action. You can get at least £5 a day hiring out the tent that you use just once a year, £5 a day for your Henry Hoover or slow cooker, or £15 a day for your old table tennis table.

Fat Lama takes a 15pc cut from both the lender and borrower. Items are covered in case of loss or damage. 

Those who don't use their cars regularly can make them pay too. The average user of easyCar Club, the "local car hire" website with more than 90,000 members, earns £125 a month by charging £32.50 a day for four days a month. Top earners clear £500 a month.

John Mulvey, 51, began to rent out his car on easyCar Club in February last year and has since built up a mini-empire of five vehicles which he hires out for £35 a day. After easyCar Club takes its cut he's left with £25. He estimates that he earns just under £1,200 a month.

John Mulver
John Mulvey hires out five cars and makes £1,200 a month

Mr Mulvey works from home running his own loan club and needs his car, a Ford Fusion, only on Fridays when he goes to collect money from his customers. His car is left in the garage for the rest of the time, costing him about £1,000 a year.

He listed his car on the website and within hours had a booking. He said: "It was a bit nerve-wracking handing over my keys to a complete stranger and I thought I'd never see my car again". But it all went smoothly and his car was returned spotless.

Mr Mulvey, who lives in Streatham, south London, said he was inundated with requests so made the decision to buy another car two months later. Still unable to keep up with demand, he bought two more cars and recently purchased a fifth. He has two garages and ample parking space where he lives.

He says his main customers are local people without cars who need a vehicle for everyday tasks such as shopping, moving house or taking large items to rubbish dumps. 

Rent-your-life: make money from everything (including your friendship)
Rent-your-life: make money from everything (including your friendship)

His car insurance for each car costs £500 in the first year and £400 in the second; he expects the cost to fall to £380 in the third year. However, he is looking into more specialist policies, which may take into account the fact that he owns five cars he hardly drives, to reduce the cost.

EasyCar Club covers your car while it's hired out so it doesn't affect your own policy.

Mr Mulvey said that while he hadn't had any nightmares, he had rented to people who he wouldn't rent to again, such as the man who took the car camping and returned it with muddy wheels.

He said: "You're supposed to return the vehicles in the state you got them and I clean them every week. It's not some hire car, it's my car."

Another website, Storemates, connects people with secure space in their homes with those who need somewhere to leave their belongings. 

The returns aren't huge - an attic space in a home in Manchester was listed on Storemates for £31.73 a week and the site takes a 15pc cut. Users can earn between £1,000 and £4,000 a year, depending on how much space they have. Both parties are covered for up to £10,000 in case things go wrong.

YourDriveway enables consumers to rent out their drive, garage or parking space.

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