Anthony Scaramucci vows to stop 'un-American' leaks

Anthony Scaramucci - AP
Anthony Scaramucci - AP

President Donald Trump's new communications director vowed to crack down on leaks and said members of his staff doing so would be fired.

Anthony Scaramucci said leaks were "un-American" and he would tell his team so at a meeting on Monday.

He said: "If we don't get the leaks stopped, I am a businessperson, and so I will take dramatic action to stop those leaks. I am going to tell them to stop the leaks, if we don't stop the leaks I'm going to stop you."

Mr Trump has repeatedly attacked leaks, particularly to the Washington Post and New York Times newspapers, calling them "criminal acts".

He has also accused the intelligence services of leaking classified information as part of a campaign to undermine him.

Those accusations have also been levied by the president at James Comey, the FBI Director he fired.

Mr Scaramucci was forced to deal with leaks on his first days in the job last week after the Washington Post reported Mr Trump and his legal team had been looking into the scope of presidential powers to pardon officials, family members, and potentially  himself.

Mr Trump responded on Twitter that he has "complete power to pardon."

Mr Scaramucci said the president only tweeted about pardons in response to the leak.

He said: "The president doesn't like the fact that he has a two-minute conversation in the Oval Office or in his study and that people are running out and leaking."