Anthony Bourdain Suicide: Girlfriend, Asia Argento, Speaks Out After Chef's Death

Anthony Bourdain Suicide: Girlfriend, Asia Argento, Speaks Out After Chef's Death

Asia Argento has broken her silence in the wake of her celebrity chef boyfriend Anthony Bourdain's suicide.

Argento, who recently made headlines by boldly addressing Harvey Weinstein rape allegations at the Cannes Film Festival, was just as nakedly honest in a Twitter post Friday.

"Anthony gave all of himself in everything that he did. His brilliant, fearless spirit touched and inspired so many, and his generosity knew no bounds," the Italian actress wrote. "He was my love, my rock, my protector. I am beyond devastated."

Argento, 42, asked that her privacy and that of Bourdain's grieving family be respected.

Meanwhile, tears streamed down the face of Argento's fellow prominent member of the #MeToo movement, Rose McGowan, as she opened up about the shocking suicide.

“The world would not be better off without you," she said in a now-deleted video posted to social media. "Oh Anthony, why?"

McGowan also tweeted concern to others who may be contemplating killing themselves, saying, "Please call a hotline. Please reach out."

The suicide of the 61-year-old host of CNN’s “Parts Unknown” came just three days after designer Kate Spade died by suicide.

Bourdain was found dead by one of his closest friends, celebrity chef Eric Ripert, in a hotel outside Strasbourg, France.

According to reports, Bourdain hanged himself.

CNN's Kate Bolduan teared up as she reported on her colleague's death.

“Every time he would walk on set I would always shout at him, 'In my next life I’m coming back as Anthony Bourdain!'" she said. "I wonder, is that why it's so hard to process this today?"

Bourdain lived in Manhattan, not far from CNN’s studio. Before he became a TV star he was a successful chef and rose to fame as the author of New York Times bestseller "Kitchen Confidential." He was known as “the original rock star” of the culinary world.

President Obama, who made a guest appearance on "Parts Unknown" in 2016, tweeted a touching photo and memory of Bourdain.

Bourdain leaves behind a daughter, 11-year-old Ariane.

If you or someone you know is considering suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline day or night at 1-800-273-8255.


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