Another New Yorker Is Pushed In Front of a Subway Train

Another New Yorker Is Pushed In Front of a Subway Train

For the second time this month, a man in New York City has been murdered when a total stranger pushed him off a subway station platform and in front of a moving train. Police say that just after 8:00 p.m. on Thursday night a woman at the 40th Street station in Sunnyside, Queens, shoved a man from behind, knocking him into the path of an incoming No. 7 train. Witnesses said the woman was behaving strangely and mumbling to herself before the attack and that the victim did not appear to notice her. She immediately fled the station and is still being sought, though her images was captured on nearby security cameras.

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On December 3, a 58-year-old man in Manhattan was pushed in front of a Q train after arguing with a mentally disturbed man on the platform at the 49th Street station. That incident garnered nationwide attention after the New York Post published a full-page cover photo of the man struggling to save himself just moments before the train struck him. The man who pushed him was later arrested, but the entire ordeal sparked many questions about how safe commuters are when waiting for trains, and whether the actions of bystanders (especially the photographer) were appropriate.

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Police said the woman in last night's incident, who was acting "weird and crazy," left behind a laptop and wallet, but the victim was not carrying identification and has yet to be identified. Witnesses say there was  no apparent interaction between the two before the victim was pushed.

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According to the New York Post, another tragedy was averted just an hour later when a citizen kept a disturbed man from jumping in front a E train in Midtown Manhattan. The good Samaritan was attacked for his troubles, but neither man was seriously hurt.