Another Viewpoint: Celebrating Lake Local SRO David McKay's dedication to youths

David McKay
David McKay

In the halls of Lake Local Schools, there's a figure who's become synonymous with safety, mentorship and positive influence. For nine years, School Resource Officer David McKay has not only been a guardian of safety and security, but he has also forged meaningful relationships with students and the broader community. His dedication goes beyond the call of duty, shaping the lives of young individuals as they transition into adulthood.

McKay's motivation stems from a sincere desire to make a difference in the lives of students, guiding them toward better decision-making and supporting them through the challenges of adolescence. His approach is one of compassion and understanding, treating students with the same respect and honesty he wishes for his own children. This philosophy has enabled him to build trust and rapport with students, laying the foundation for meaningful and impactful interactions.

One of McKay's most notable contributions is the "STAND" program, co-founded with Tom Kohli. What began as a simple initiative to engage a few students in weightlifting and school activities has blossomed into a multifaceted mentorship program. STAND now encompasses a range of activities from sports to chess, providing a supportive environment for students navigating difficult times. With the assistance of Deputy Marissa Humbert, Lake Middle/High School intervention specialist Katrina Gaughan, and Kohli, the program mentors students, encouraging their involvement in various school groups and even sports teams, thereby fostering a sense of belonging and community.

McKay's day-to-day challenges are as diverse as the students he serves. Keeping abreast of social media trends and the evolving dynamics of student life is crucial to maintaining connectivity and relevance. His collaborative efforts with school administrators and staff are instrumental in ensuring the seamless integration of safety and educational priorities, making the school environment secure and conducive to learning.

Beyond the school gates, McKay engages with the wider community, reinforcing the bridge between schools and the neighborhoods they serve. His presence at sporting events and other school activities has made him a familiar and trusted figure among parents and community members alike.

Continuous learning and adaptation are key to McKay's effectiveness as an SRO. By staying informed on the latest educational techniques and social trends, he ensures his approach remains relevant and impactful. The advice he offers to new SROs is simple yet profound: be honest, treat students with respect, and don't forget the power of humor and fun in building relationships.

Perhaps the most rewarding aspect of McKay's role, he often explains, is witnessing the transformation of students, especially those who overcome adversity, to graduate and pursue further education or careers. It's a testament to the positive impact of dedicated SROs like him on the lives of young people.

Looking ahead, McKay's vision for the STAND program is one of sustainability and student leadership, with adults playing a supporting role. His commitment to the SRO program and the students it serves is unwavering, driven by a belief in the transformative power of positive interactions and mentorship.

In recognizing Officer David McKay, we celebrate not just an individual, but the embodiment of the profound difference dedicated SROs can make in the lives of students, schools, and communities. His work is a shining example of how compassion, engagement, and proactive mentorship can guide our youth toward brighter futures.

Michaela Thomas is director of community engagement for the Stark County Sheriff’s Office.

Michaela Thomas
Michaela Thomas

This article originally appeared on The Alliance Review: Stark Sheriff's Office hails SRO David McKay's dedication to youth