Anne Hathaway's Lil Wayne Imitation is Unnervingly Brilliant

Anne Hathaway's Lil Wayne Imitation is Unnervingly Brilliant

We realize there's only so much time one can spend in a day watching new trailers, viral video clips, and shaky cell phone footage of people arguing on live television. This is why The Atlantic Wire is unveiling a new late afternoon feature highlighting the day's video clips that truly earn your five minutes (or less) of attention. Today: Anne Hathaway's unnerving channeling of Lil Wayne puts photogs on notice, the first of hopefully many silly Daniel Radcliffe horror movies, and an eleven-second primer on just how different the BBC and New York Times are...

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  • To paraphrase a show Conan O'Brien once wrote for (The Simpsons), if Anne Hathaway didn't want the paparazzi following her every move and saying she's not cute enough to play Catwoman, then she shouldn't have tried to express herself creatively. Then again, if Hathaway didn't have that creative outlet, the pitch-perfect, moderately frightening imitation of Lil Wayne she did on Conan last night would still be rattling around somewhere in her subconscious.

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  • Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe has tried to show his range as an actor in the revivals of Equus and How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, but after watching the doom-and-drafty-manor-house filled trailer for his new horror movie The Woman in Black, schlock horror seems to be the best use for his talents. That's not a dig at Radcliffe--like Peter Cushing and Donald Pleasance before him, Radcliffe just seems at home with the genre's trappings, like constant fog, spooky British schoolchildren and an ominous cymbal-banging toy monkey. [The Washington Post]

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  • Yesterday we found out that Page Eight would be the closing film at next month's Toronto International Film Festival. Today, we got our first look at the espionage thriller, which stars spy movie stalwarts Bill Nighy, Michael Gambon, and Rachel Weisz. Like almost all British spy movies, the footage makes it seem world-weary, complicated, and very good.  Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy might have not have the title of talkiest fall thriller sewn up quite yet. [TwitchFilm via Vulture]

  • Web developer and self-proclaimed "chief exporter of awesome" Phillip Mendonça-Vieira grabbed our attention last month with his time-lapse video that showed a year of the New York Times homepage in about seven minutes. He followed that up today with a smaller, but still fascinating time lapse project comparing the homepages of the Times and the BBC during the Chilean miner rescue. It's only eleven seconds long, but the difference in how the two outlets choose to cover a developing story are striking.  [Okay Fail via Poynter]