Anne Hathaway to Conquer Broadway?

Today in show business news: Anne Hathaway may be headed back to the Weimar era, Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore team up once again, and Jennifer Garner will have a bad day too.

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Oh dear. Batten down the Broadway hatches. A rumor is swirling that Anne Hathaway, recent Oscar winner for her teary singing in Les Miz, might be headed to the White Way to play Sally Bowles in a revival of Cabaret. OK, well, Hathaway's people completely deny the rumor, but that doesn't mean it's not true! And allegedly she'd be playing Sally opposite Alan Cumming as the Emcee, who, y'know, famously played the role in the last revival, which was a huge smash sensation that ran for years. So that is interesting. Very, very interesting. Of course we can probably all imagine exactly the kind of Sally Bowles that Anne Hathaway would play, but it might be interesting to watch nonetheless? I mean, they will give her a Tony, which will be kind of awful, but awful in a fun way maybe? The way she's always kind of awful? I don't know. It just might be fun to see the theater kid thing really going at full blast. It could be glorious, even. "They should have sent a poet..." we'll all say in the audience, hair blown back like the Maxell guy. [The New York Times]

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Well, the next Adam Sandler/Drew Barrymore joint is on its way. The Wedding Singer and 50 First Dates duo will next appear in 2014's Blended, a comedy about "a man and a woman who, after a disastrous first date, get trapped at a family resort with their kids from previous marriages in tow. An attraction begins to grow despite comedic mishaps." Yeah, that sounds about right. A little older, a little kiddier, a little of all of that. Adam Sandler gets a bad rap, and in some ways Drew Barrymore does too, but they're always fun together. 50 First Dates isn't a great movie, no, but they're cute in it. And there is no denying The Wedding Singer. That is just a good movie, on a factual level. So who knows! Maybe this Blended, coming May 23, 2014, could be something worthwhile. Or it could be their Runaway Bride. Only one way to find out. [The Hollywood Reporter]

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Jennifer Garner has joined Steve Carell in the cast of Alexander And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, based on the beloved children's book. Garner will play Alexander's mother, naturally. Normally I'd be really wary about this — I mean we're talking a beloved children's booked stretched to feature film length in terrible, candy-coated 2013 — but this one could be different. See, Lisa Cholodenko co-wrote the script, and Miguel Arteta is directing, and he often makes very good, interesting things. So maybe this will be more in the vein in of Where the Wild Things Are, meaning not entirely successful but certainly not sacrilegious, rather than, say... Cat in the Hat. Fingers crossed, anyway. [Deadline]

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Oh I see now. When we heard that NBC had agreed to move The Tonight Show to New York, people assumed it was because the network was placing a lot of confidence in Jimmy Fallon and doing him a solid, something they didn't do for Conan, who was forced to move to Los Angeles. But! It seems they had an ulterior motive. The network will save some $20 million a year in tax credits. Yeah. That's why. Or, maybe not entirely why, but it certainly doesn't hurt. Maybe some accountant was like "Uh, guys? Take a look at this. Maybe we shouldn't make Jimmy move..." Whatever the case, this is a win-win. Fallon's show has a distinctly New York-y energy, and will change up the comedy scene in New York interestingly, so that's a positive. And, hell, NBC saves a bunch of money. Good for them. There's nothing wrong with this. Still doesn't mean it doesn't burn for Conan, though. Poor Conan. [The Hollywood Reporter]