Anna Victoria Just Posted A 10-Year Challenge Photo To Prove Transformations Aren’t All About Weight Loss

Photo credit: @annavictoria
Photo credit: @annavictoria

From Women's Health

Social media has been flooded with photos of people doing the "10-year challenge," but fitness influencer Anna Victoria might have the best I've seen.

In case you’re not familiar with the challenge, it’s pretty simple: You just share a photo of yourself from 10 years ago and one from now. The personal trainer and Fit Body app creator shared pics of herself from 2007 and 2018-and her body looks completely different.

In the 2007 photo, Anna is holding a friend’s legs up to do a keg stand. She looks fantastic in a bikini, but her body is noticeably different than her current photo, where she looks more toned.

Anna says that the 2007 version of herself partied, "ate only fast food, wouldn’t step foot in a gym, drank almost no water, and had trouble sleeping." Plus she had "digestive and GI issues from poor eating habits."

She attributes the changes in her body to a healthier lifestyle. Now, Anna "enjoys a glass of wine or two here and there, eats 80/20, works out for [her] mental, emotional and physical health, drinks 3-4 liters of water a day, and prioritizes sleep." She also doesn't struggle with digestive or GI issues anymore, except for when she eats a bigger, less healthy meal than she's used to.

Anna says that she didn’t have a lot of weight to lose, and that her journey was focused on good health. "I am also proud of the physical change," she says. "And there’s only a five pound difference between these two photos!"

It should come as no shock that Anna, who always keeps it real, stresses that there was absolutely nothing wrong with the way she used to look-she just wasn’t as healthy as she could have been.

"I still loved myself in the 2007 photo," she said. "No matter how much I did or didn’t weigh, I never let it phase me and question my worth. YOU deserve to love yourself now, no matter where you are in your journey, even if you haven’t even started."

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