Anna Faris: I Survived My Worst Nightmare

Lets get this out of the way: I think Anna Faris is the funniest woman who doesn't have, but totally needs, her own TV show. Even the thinnest material is elevated by her performance -- which is always the result of excellent timing, a singular grasp on what tickles the funny-bone and her signature full-bodied commitment to a physicality that would scare weaker women. Or men.

Anna's latest movie, What's Your Number, features all of those things in spades while adding a bevy of beautiful men into the mix and restricting their wardrobe allowance for good measure. I caught up with the phenomenally funny lady to deduce what was the most intimidating part of making this movie, if she's going to strap on a Proton Pack and when she might actually come to television! This movie was very much a passion project -- why did you feel so attached?
Anna Faris: I just loved the character. She's kind of a mess in this way that I really related to [laughs]. A little bit lost in life, doesn't quite know what she wants from a job or a relationship. I feel like we see a lot of women in romantic comedies who are trying to juggle it all while they have it all. I know that my girlfriends and I are nothing like that -- real women are a little sloppier.

Insider: You also get to spend time with a pretty impressive stable of guys -- since you were an executive producer on the film, should I take that to mean we got a glimpse to who might be on your "Laminated List?"
Anna: [laughs] I know! I know! I kept thinking, "These guys are way too hot for me!" [laughs] It was really fun. All those amazing guys are so talented and it was incredibly flattering that they took time out of their schedules to fly to Boston and shoot these roles. It's a huge compliment and I love each and every one of them. They were all so game to play, which was fun.

Insider: I must also take a moment to say thanks on behalf of every girl and gay guy for that scene where Chris Evans plays basketball in his underwear.
Anna: [laughs] You're welcome. But that was so terrifying to film. I don't know if I've ever been so scared.

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Insider: Scarier than The House Bunny costumes?
Anna: Yes. More so because The House Bunny felt like a cupcake. That wardrobe was so ridiculous that it didn't necessarily feel sexy to me. But playing basketball in those see-through panties and tiny bra was my worst nightmare. I was more comfortable jumping into The Boston Harbor in the middle of the night than playing that basketball scene.

Insider: We've talked about a few of the upsides of making this movie, is one of the downsides the fact that now everyone asks what your number is?
Anna: Yea, they do. But early on doing press I decided that I would just say it. It's embarrassing because I think it's really low. But you have to understand that I was in a 10 year relationship throughout my 20s. But my number is 5. Boring, isn't it?

Insider: Well, it's hard to fault you when Chris Pratt is number 5.
Anna: [laughs] Thank you. I think so too. And, by the way, he won't tell me his number. He's like, "Why do you need to know?" I told him that it kept coming up during promotion, but I got nothing. Some things might be best left unsaid.

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Insider: Speaking of your husband, I'm a huge Parks and Recreation fan and think you would be so amazing on it. Any chance of that happening?
Anna: Yea, we have been talking about it. It's definitely something we want to do we just want to find the right angle. They've come up with a few ideas that are really funny so hopefully it's something I'll be able to squeeze in there somehow.

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Insider: Operative word being squeeze -- your IMDB page has a handful of projects in pre-production. In an attempt to separate truth from fiction, tell me, are you actively attached to Ghostbusters 3?
Anna: Not that I know of. But I love the idea of it [laughs]. I think that was just something Dan Akroyd mentioned at a press conference once and it took off from there.

Insider: And what about Scary Movie 5?
Anna: Again, not that I know of. That's another one of those things where the rumors keep flying around. I haven't been approached yet, but that doesn't mean much – I always think I'm the last to know about that stuff [laughs]. But I loved playing Cindy and I learned so much doing those movies. I think it would be fun to do another one. And this time, I could be super bossy [laughs]. I'm gonna eat as many jelly donuts as I want. Cindy's chunky this time around.

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Insider: One film you're definitely a part of is Sacha Baron Cohen's The Dictator, coming out this May. I know you've done some improv, but was this like taking a whole new level?
Anna: It really was. It was wild. It was a true adventure. You really had no idea where the scene would go at any given time. But amazingly fun. I haven't seen the movie yet but I think it'll be a surprise to everyone – me included. We shot so much, who knows what they'll pick. I can't wait to see it come together. That movie is going to be an adventure. I think we offend everybody. No one escapes unscathed [laughs].

What's Your Number hits DVD and Blu-ray tomorrow, click here to pre-order