Anitta fires back at people who call her a 'fake bisexual'


Brazilian superstar Anitta is pushing back on ignorant claims that she’s a “fake bisexual,” and making some points along the way.

The singer publicly came out as bisexual back in 2018 as part of her docuseries, Vai Anitta. The decision hadn’t been entirely up to her — a photo of her kissing a woman had hit the internet, but rather than brush it off or chalk it up to messing around, she decided to open up about her identity.

“I never wanted to hide,” she told Cosmopolitan UK in a recent interview ahead of the release of her upcoming album.

Over the years, Anitta has been romantically linked to several men, including fellow singer Maluma, her ex-husband Thiago Magalhães, and, more recently, model Simone Susinna. But all of her public relationships have been with men — which has occasionally drawn accusations that she’s lying about her sexuality.

“People like to say, 'oh, she says she's bisexual, but she's never had a girlfriend,’” she said. “Does that make me a ‘fake bisexual’? No!”

It's a common biphobic refrain, but in the same way straight people don’t have to date someone of the opposite sex in order to prove they’re straight and gay people don’t have to date someone of the same sex to prove they’re gay, bisexual people don’t have to date around in order to prove they are attracted to more than one gender.

“People want to dictate how you need to behave as a bisexual,” Anitta continued. “I've never dated a woman long term. I had a thing with a person my friends just know, but it wasn't serious... I'm the same with men!”

And that’s that!