Baby animals falling asleep, Seinfeld's girlfriends and cute capybaras

It's Rob Walker's weekend linkdown, with everything you need to procrastinate this weekend

High speed of photograph of milk in mid-air, captured by Manon Wethly

by Rob Walker

I hope you’re having a lovely May so far. Are you bored yet? I thought so. Here’s some amusements to distract you.

Supercut? More like Supercute: No doubt the viral video of the week was Willie Witte’s “ Screengrab.” But if you’ve already seen that I need to suggest something else, and I’m resorting to cute animals. Laughing Squid has this five-minute “supercut of adorable animals trying to stay awake.” Includes puppies, kittens, a baby duck and more.

Comic Technology: Iron Man fans should enjoy Underwire’s interactive timeline of Tony Stark’s armor variations from 1963 to the present. The artwork is cool, but the detailed research into the technology details for each fictional outfit (encephalo-circuits, telepresence systems, external inertia dampening, etc.) is insane.

Beautiful Mess: JunkCulture highlight amazing “High Speed Photographs of Liquids Captured in Midair,” by Manon Wethly.

What’s More Annoying that CAPTCHAs? You know what I mean — those “type in the words above” boxes that crop up around the Web to weed out spambots. Irritating as they are, CRAPCHA is even worse — but it’ssupposed to be. It’s designed to “annoy users” by presenting “indecipherable text,” and thus “hassles for amusement.” Get yours here.

Jerry’s Girls: Richard Prince presents a composite image morphing together 57 women Jerry dated on Seinfeld. More proof that Seinfeld is forever .

Quiz Your Coworkers: Which has more users, MySpace or Spotify? SoundCloud or Instagram? Yahoo Mail or Twitter? BuzzFeed has surprising answers.

More Relaxing Animals: If you’ve recovered from the sleepy animals video mentioned above, Laughing Squid also has clips of capybaras chilling out at some sort of spa. The second clip is the best — you’ll definitely wish you could join them, even though the capybara is the “largest rodent in the world.”


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