Animal Cannibals and Where's MF's Money?

Now that The New York Times pay wall is live, you only get 20 free clicks a month. For those worried about hitting their limit, we're taking a look through the paper each morning to find the stories that can make your clicks count.

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Front Page: The lead story today is the hundreds of millions of dollars that are suddenly missing from MF Global's accounts. The company filed for bankrutpcy yesterday, but now regulators are forced to sift through the pieces to see what's left and what went wrong. They may have illegally been mixing their own money with their customers.

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Business: Speaking of Jon Corzine's MF Global, why have so many Goldman Sachs alumni flamed out after leaving the company as superstars? Andrew Ross Sorkin wonders what it is about the company that doesn't translate (hint: a strong risk management setup) when insiders go elsewhere.

RELATED: Trimming the Times: Cameron on Murdoch; Egypt's Antiques


World: No matter how much the U.S. complains, Pakistan isn't going to give up the Haqqani terroist network. They're too enmeshed with the government and society. And is Zambia quietly the biggest success story in Southern Africa? A peaceful election and transition of power reveals a stable nation untouched by the racism, war, and poverty most of its neighbors.

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Health: The second guessing continues on Steve Jobs' decision to not get cancer surgery that might have saved his life. The truth is that the surgery itself was dicey and not guaranteed to make much difference. One of his doctors also now says Jobs was beyond well-informed about the consequences and options and didn't make the choice lightly. Also, we may be killing the wrong bacteria in our stomachs via antibiotics. Even bugs that seem deadly have some benefits to humans.

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U.S.: Low-cost bus companies that stream college kids and immigrants up and down the East Coast don't get into more crashes than more established bus carriers, but when they do crash the consequences are far more severe. Safety violations are high and regulations go unenforced.


Science: Finally: Mother Nature is Still Weird. A survey of cannibalism in the animal world, like spiders voluntarily giving themselves to their mates (for dinner) and cane toads that make their main diet out of other cane toads.