Angelo Pagan Supportive Of Leah Remini’s Fight Against Scientology

Leah Remini with Angelo Pagan and daughter at red carpet event.
Leah Remini with Angelo Pagan and daughter at red carpet event.

Leah Remini and her husband, Angelo Pagan, left Scientology in 2013. It was a shared experience that Leah continues to recall today, as she still speaks about the issues she has with the religion.

Angelo Pagan has said about Scientology that he’s proud of Leah for her decision to leave and appears to be very supportive of her courage.

Us Magazine published an account about their decision to reset, which talks about how Angelo Pagan went after the Church of Scientology, an organization who reportedly sent a packet of information they had on Remini to the offices of ABC in an attempt to tarnish Remini’s reputation.

It was about this time that Leah was promoting her book called Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology.

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