Angela Merkel's powerful side-eye at Ivanka Trump is asking the question we're all wondering

Ivanka Trump gatecrashed Angela Merkel's ill-fated summit with Donald Trump Friday, the latest in a line of questionable appearances at gatherings where she probably doesn't really belong.

The reality TV star, businesswoman and jewelry vendor had a seat next to the German chancellor, who has a Ph.D. in chemistry and speaks fluent Russian, for the roundtable discussion with German and U.S. business leaders. Twitter was quick to spot a theme in the photos that emerged from the encounter.

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In some of them, it looks a lot like Merkel is chucking serious side-eye at Trump's daughter and wondering inside just what she's doing there.

For some, the photos spoke for themselves.

Ivanka, for what it's worth, was honored to be there for the robust discussion.

But she faced another barrage of questions on Twitter, mostly on a common theme.

It's worth noting that other photos of the pair show them having a better time. But those pics don't help us answer the central question here. Which is why was she there in the first place?

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