American Airlines Loses Prosthetic Leg of Boston Bombing Survivor, Who's Also Professional Dancer

Professional dancer Adrianne Haslet-Davis was not happy when she took to Twitter to complain that American Airlines had lost her prosthetic leg.

Haslet-Davis lost her lower leg in the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. She continues on as a ballroom dancer with the help of a $250,000 fake limb, which failed to arrive with Haslet-Davis.

Read: Victim of Boston Marathon Bombing Discusses the Tragedy and How She Plans to Recover

“Pls respond, been days can’t dance,” she posted online.

It didn’t take long for American Airlines to issue an Internet apology. “We will reunite her with it as soon as possible,” the company said.

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And on Friday, the airline announced the bag had been found and would be delivered to Haslet-Davis as soon as possible.

She later posted a tweet saying “American had its best people on it and found it! A little jealous it got to travel somewhere pretty,” she wrote. “I’m happy with how (they) worked to find my bag in the end. Let’s not cyber bully them, there are bigger issues in this world.”

It was not clear where her baggage was found. 

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