America’s ‘porn professor’ abandons porn course just because people were outraged

The California college professor who helped America by teaching a course called “Navigating Pornography” now says he won’t teach it anymore due to the hostile response it created.

Porn prof Hugo Schwyzer took to local media to trumpet the news, reports UPI.

Previously, Schwyzer had ended up an emotional wreck in need of therapy due to public outrage and pressure from his employer, Pasadena City College (PCC), to drop the course.

Schwyzer’s notorious course was supposed to explore sex and porn in a “safe space.” He was last seen in the news in February when he invited porn star James Deen to lecture at the community college northeast of Los Angeles. School officials decided to close the public lecture to the public.

“We support the instructor’s academic freedom within the classroom,” PCC administrator Robert Bell, had said amid the Deen controversy. “The college’s concern is to schedule all public events according to procedures so we can insure public safety and security.”

The professor of gender studies and history said he had been on the receiving end of some irate phone calls and emails since the brouhaha over Deen’s lecture.

“I’m exhausted by threats and controversy,” Schwyzer wrote in an email to the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin. “I need a break.”

The school hasn’t commented about Schwyzer’s decision to stop teaching the course.

Deen �“ boringly named Bryan Matthew Sevilla by his parents �“ is starring alongside Lindsay Lohan in a currently-released non-porn movie called “The Canyons.” He took courses at the college (and was also a barista at a local Starbucks).

Schwyzer is an absolute national treasure as far as bizarro leftist professors go.

After a flattering 2011 interview at a blog called Feministe, critics of various stripes dredged up some old, now-deleted blog posts authored by Schwyzer. These posts were far from flattering, notes New York magazine. He apparently admitted that he tried to commit suicide and kill his ex-girlfriend while he was a drug addict some 15 years ago, for example. He also allegedly bedded a few of his students.

Schwyzer also chose to get circumcised at the age of 37, according to Slate. “I wanted to feel as if I was starting over sexually,” he explained. He also humble-bragged that oral sex simply gave him “too much sensation.”

In December, the community college professor blamed mass shootings such as Sandy Hook on “frustrated white male privilege.” (RELATED: White male privilege responsible for shooting, professor argues)

He told National Review Online that mass murders in the U.S. are increasingly committed by white males suffering from “cognitive dissonance,” in a country that is trending toward multiculturalism. White males feel “powerless compared to everyone else around them,” he said.

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