Amazon's 'Unfair' Advantage — CEO Daily, Thursday, 12th October

Good morning.

Does Amazon have an unfair advantage in the marketplace?

That’s the argument NYU Stern professor Scott Galloway (author of the new book The Four) makes in this video published yesterday on Business Insider. Galloway’s argument is that the stock market keeps bidding up Amazon’s stock, irrespective of profits, and as a result they have “access to cheaper capital than any company in history. Amazon can now borrow money for less than the cost (at which) the Chinese can borrow money. …Effectively, this company is playing unfair, and winning.”

Unfair? Hard to blame Amazon because investors are throwing money at it. But winning? Yes indeed. And it is increasingly an uphill battle for others to compete.

Fortune’s Most Powerful Women conference yesterday featured two women—Rebecca Minkoff, founder of her eponymous fashion retailer, and Kristen Green, a general partner at Forerunner Venture—who are valiantly trying. Both talked about how they are combining online and in-store experiences. Stores increasingly incorporate technology as part of the shopping experience. And store associates are being given commissions for online sales that occur within six months after they help a customer. Green said “e-commerce” is no longer a word they use at Forerunner: “We call it commerce.”

You can read more news from the conference here, including a report on my interview with Sally Yates, who served as acting Attorney General for 10 wild days in January.

Other news below.

Alan Murray @alansmurray

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Out of Control

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A couple of readers took issues with yesterday’s summary on this subject (‘The Lady Not Bound by NDA Doth Protest Too Much, Methinks’), sensing that I was blaming the victims. This was emphatically not the case. ‘The Lady’ referred to was Hillary Clinton who, as noted yesterday, is (by her own admission) a long-term friend of Weinstein and a beneficiary of his political donations. Clinton’s claim, after a three-day silence, to be ‘shocked’ by the revelations sits uneasily with the sense that you doesn’t get to have a career like hers by accidentally staying unaware of what appears by most accounts to have been an open secret. That said, there is no proof to refute her version of events, and (as Gretchen Carlson told MPW yesterday) sexual harassment is essentially apolitical.

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Summaries by Geoffrey Smith;

