Amanda Seyfried delves into dark material in 'Lovelace' before lightening up in 'Les Mis'

PARK CITY, Utah - It took the French Revolution to pull Amanda Seyfried away from her role as '70s porn star Linda Lovelace.

Seyfried delved deep into her character in the biopic "Lovelace," which premiered this week at the Sundance Film Festival. The 27-year-old actress says she was only able to shed the dark role by playing Cosette in the Oscar-nominated "Les Miserables."

She was grateful the musical part came just three weeks after "Lovelace" wrapped.

If not, Seyfried says she would have "carried Linda for a long time, and it could have been unhealthy."

"Lovelace" is directed by Oscar-winning documentarian Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman and was based in part on her memoir. The film hasn't yet been acquired at the annual independent-film showcase, so no theatrical release date is scheduled.