‘I am the best choice’: Candidates respond to endorsements for KY primaries. | Opinion

Candidate responses to Herald-Leader editorials

Sixth Congressional District Democratic primary

Todd Kelly

Thank you to Reverend Nancy Jo Kemper for endorsing me in the KY’s 6th district Democratic Congressional primary.

Kemper, a Congressional primary winner, knows better than the HL editorial staff tossing a few questions in a half hour Zoom session.

The HL failed to cover any of the 6th District candidate forums and some facts are in order.

Endorsed candidate Randy Cravens, since July of 2022, has raised $9,571.00 from a handful of people. Our campaign, since January 2024 has raised $45,203.34 from dozens of supporters. Although meager by most standards, our totals show a willingness and ability to raise funds.

I have appeared multiple times, at county Democratic meetings and events (Bourbon, Fleming, and Woodford) where all other candidates appeared not once.

I am the only candidate to appear at all public candidate forums whether by Zoom or in person.

On the stump I draw a sharp contrast between the priorities of Rep. Andy Barr and those of 6th District voters, including his views on reproductive rights and predatory finance. Barr’s extreme position on women’s reproductive health and his ties to banks are the issues of this campaign.

If standing out as a candidate means a lack of effort and ability to raise money, avoiding county meetings and forums, and shying from Andy Barr, then I’m happy to be sitting.

Relative to our opponents, our campaign has out worked, out raised, and explained better the issues that are important to our voters. I appreciate your vote on May 21.

Todd Kelly is a candidate in the Democratic primary of the congressional 6th District.

Jonathan Richardson

With eight days until the primary, it all still feels like a dream. To be a candidate for the United States House of Representatives is truly part of the American dream and I am honored to have this opportunity. There was a time in this nation’s History where someone who had the same complexion as myself could not vote, let alone hold public office. Much progress has been made in the United States yet one issue, especially in politics, remains apparent. The issue of money or the lack thereof. It’s true that political campaigns cost money but the amounts of money we’ve witnessed being raised in American politics is extraordinary, which sadly discourages many “ordinary folks,” from running for political office. The fact is money helps. However the majority of Americans are not millionaires and regardless of their socioeconomic backgrounds, I encourage their full participation in chasing the American dream of being an elected official just as I have chosen to do. I’ll end with a quote from Bob Marley when asked if he was rich: “Money make yah rich .... My richness is life forever.”

Jonathan Richardson is a candidate in the Democratic primary of the congressional 6th District.

Don Pratt

Humbly said, I have worked and advocated for central Kentucky since a young man. I have served all counties in the district in numerous ways compared to almost all folks, especially collecting and distributing luggage for foster kids, flood and tornado victims across Kentucky!

Freedom of choice! Pass ERA!Medicare for All! Control profiteering medical industry and pharmaceuticals. Consume less, enjoy what we have more. Global warming is real! Reduce fossil fuel toxic usage - high speed rail - far greater freight shipment by rail. Election reform! Stop corruption by big money!

Good solutions: Rank choice voting. Election guides - equal space for candidates. Public forums and public web pages for. questions. Address addictions — alcohol, gambling, drugs, sugar, even shopping. Tax reform including ways the rich pay. Tax bonds and stocks. Tax sugar for dental health. Tax toxic products. Gun safety - insurance on guns and owners. Address immigration and poverty issues in our world. Reduce Pentagon budget. Better foreign policy. Stop supplying repression. Bring peace, equality, equity and justice!

My life and campaign is a grassroots campaign. I have been an activist protesting mountaintop removal and significant corruption of both parties by big money. Parent to one biological daughter and 65 foster girls and boys, adopting two. My life and campaign is a grassroots campaign.

Spread the word! I know I can beat Andy Barr! (confidence is explainable.). Feel free to contact me!

Don Pratt, 859 -552-2235 dbp91044@gmail.com

Don Pratt is a candidate in the Democratic primary for the 6th Congressional District.

Shauna Rudd

Congratulations to Mr. Cravens for the Herald-Leader’s endorsement! Should he win the primary, he has my full support. Mr. Cravens and I share many values, including housing policy, Medicare for All, and reproductive choice.

However, I believe I’m the stronger candidate to challenge Barr in the general. My upbringing in rural Breathitt County and my years as a social worker/therapist have given a deep understanding of the diverse needs of the people in our district. This experience shapes my approach to key issues, informs my empathy for the people of the 6th, and invests me with a truly bipartisan perspective. My campaign focuses on the entire district, not just urban areas. This is essential to defeat Barr. I’ve debated, campaigned, and fundraised all across the district, demonstrating commitment to all constituents. This creates grassroots support, reflected in the many donors and volunteers, and has allowed me to run a well-resourced campaign. Powerful community support was the reason I was the only candidate to appear on KET.

The endorsement of Mr. Cravens highlighted our shared stance on ending military funding and weapons transfers to the conflict in Gaza. This represents all of the Democratic candidates for the seat and a majority within the district. The only question is who’s the best to carry this message from Kentucky to Washington. I’m the strongest choice to do this. I can defeat Andy Barr, bridge partisan divides, and help lead our district and our nation into a more peaceful and prosperous future.

Shauna Rudd is a candidate in the Democratic primary for the 6th Congressional District.

Kentucky House of Representatives, District 77

George Brown

As a lifelong resident of the 77th House District, I have dedicated my life to making sure those living in our community and across the commonwealth have the resources they need and the laws they deserve. I have stood on the front lines to make equality and justice a reality from the courthouse to the Capitol, and I have been a strong voice for those who struggle to feel heard.

These goals are why I pursued a career in public service – first as a member of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Council and, for the last decade, as one of our county’s state representatives — and I am eager to continue this “good fight” for the next two years.

Experience matters, and so do relationships within state government. I have an abundance of both. I chair the Kentucky Black Legislative Caucus; serve on the prestigious House Appropriations & Revenue Committee; and have sponsored numerous bills designed to reduce gun violence, restore reproductive healthcare services and boost civil rights that have been denied too long for too many. I also have secured needed projects for our community, like the upcoming Citation Boulevard extension between Russell Cave Road and Newtown Pike.

Fayette County has long been a beacon for Kentucky, a place where you won’t find a better quality of life. Our work is not done, though, which is why I am asking the voters of the 77th House District for the chance to serve them once again and build on a proven record.

George Brown is running for reelection as the representative from the 77th House District.

Kentucky House of Representatives, District 76

Anne Gay Donworth

To the voters in the 76th District:

I never aspired to be a politician. I devoted my career to helping the people of Central Kentucky in nonprofit arts, healthcare, education, and civic infrastructure while building genuine relationships and trusted partnerships within our community. My most recent work for the Lexington Public Library showed me how broken our state legislature is. While fighting against book banning measures (which disproportionately affect LGBTQ+ and people of color), public pension cuts, and library funding cuts, I realized that Frankfort does not represent the Kentucky I adore.

My record of success includes the Marksbury Family Branch Library, Undesign the Redline exhibit at Central Library, gun safety advocacy through Advocates for a Safer Kentucky, advocating for public parks, and my engagement in hundreds of community-based projects. I am an active listener and strategic thinker who believes in finding upstream solutions to downstream problems.

The top issues facing our Commonwealth are women’s reproductive health and public schools. As the only woman — and only parent — in this race, these issues are deeply personal for me, and I will fight to ensure access to reproductive care and public education for all.

I will always work for the people of Lexington and Fayette County with integrity and passion to do what is right for Kentuckians, and I humbly ask for your vote so that I can continue to fight for our future.

Anne Gay Donworth is a candidate in the Democratic primary for the 76th House District.

Lexington Fayette Urban County Council, District 7

William Matthew Housh

District 7 is being led well. When elected I would carry on the wonderful achievements to date, such as the improvements to parks. I am seeking the votes from all neighborhoods within the district. I am retired USPS letter carrier, and an honorably discharged veteran of the US Navy (Nuclear Field). I was born, raised, educated in Lexington, and have been active in community service since 1989. I am a co-founder of a national law firm Harris Federal Law firm. I represent federal employees injured in the line of duty. I have been admitted to practice before federal boards and commissions since 1991. I have gotten millions in compensation for my 568 clients. Currently I serve at Government Center where I am well known as a hard worker.

My friends know that I am honest, compassionate, driven, and many have called me a powerhouse. I plan on keeping Renea Buckles as the council administrator and she has agreed too staying to help our district.

When elected I would continue positive change for our district on day one. No learning curve needed with this candidate. I would leverage my contacts at all governmental levels. I encourage everyone to vote. I respectfully ask that you vote William Matthew Housh in this primary election.

William Matthew Housh is a candidate for District 7 of the Urban County Council.

Climate change

For many years climate scientists warned us that the trajectory we are on would inexorably lead us to 1.5 degrees Centigrade of global heating. Well, we have now reached that 1.5 degree rise with every indication that we will blow past 2 degrees by the end of this decade. The same scientists who can guide a spacecraft to a landing on an asteroid millions of miles away have told us that this is a disaster in the making. Lower food production, hotter and more numerous forest fires, stronger hurricanes, coral reef die offs, and species extinction are in the offing.

At a time when humanity should be doing everything possible to mitigate global heating, former President Donald Trump seems to be doing everything possible to make it worse! He recently met with the CEO’s of several of the nation’s largest oil and gas companies and told them that if they would contribute $1 billion to his campaign fund that, if he was elected, he would roll back all of President Joe Biden’s climate change mitigation measures.

He does not care about the well-being of the Earth or any of its creatures. He only cares about himself.

Jim Porter, Danville

Pope Francis

I’m a Catholic and a Republican who cares deeply about climate change. So it was heartening to see Bishop John Stowe answer Pope Francis’ call to action to care for our common home by committing to achieving net-zero emissions by 2030 for the Diocese of Lexington.

Burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas is causing a buildup of greenhouse gasses that is causing our planet to heat up. We’re already seeing the effects of climate change such as rising sea levels, more intense heat waves, melting glaciers and ice sheets, and species loss. Last year, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service delisted 21 species from the Endangered Species Act due to extinction.

This feels to me like a Noah’s Ark situation in reverse. The longer we delay action on climate change, the more species we toss overboard. Humans are the only species on Earth causing climate change, therefore we have an obligation to solve the problem. We are the caretakers for the planet, for all of life on it and for future generations. Bishop Stowe’s leadership sets a remarkable example for communities worldwide.

Jon Clark - Appalachia Regional Director for Citizens’ Climate Lobby, Lancaster, PA

Ky’s Pope

As the former pastor of the Catholic Newman Center at UK, the Cathedral Christ the King, and Pax Christi Catholic Church, I am proud that Rome, Italy has Pope Francis, but we here in Lexington with the UK Basketball program.... we have “The Pope”!

God bless him and his new team with much success!!!!!!!

Fr. Larry Hehman, Lexington

“No Confidence”

A vote of “no confidence” should be reserved for leaders who have accomplished very little or have failed. No one in the University of Kentucky believes this is currently the case in regard to President Eli Capilouto.

By any measure, the University has matched and exceeded what have been very high expectations. The number of students housed, fed, and graduated has doubled; funding has doubled; services to the state’s agriculture, engineering interests, education, businesses, the law profession, and the humanities have never been greater.

We have excellent faculty, staff, facilities, and leadership. Capilouto has made thousands of the right decisions, and I trust that the changes he is making now will strengthen our University. If these changes fall short, they will be altered.

We have had good University presidents in the past but none have accomplished as much.

John Ragland, Emeritus Professor of Soil Science, Lexington

Todd Kelly

Sixth Congressional District primary candidate Todd Kelly stands out. Regular Herald-Leader readers might recognize his name as he has been the author of several excellent op-eds in recent years, including a November 2022 Op-Ed concerning Andy Barr’s ties to the financial industry, a subject which your endorsement praised another candidate for addressing. It appears that very little thought and research went into the Herald-Leader’s endorsement. Perhaps you should read your own op-ed pages.

Kelly’s op-eds, on a variety of topics, and his campaign website, demonstrate an ability to comprehend and explain complex subjects, and a willingness to clearly define his position.

As a Bourbon County Democrat, I have had the opportunity to meet Kelly at several local events. I have never even seen the Herald-Leader’s endorsed candidate, despite being fairly active in local political events. I don’t think your endorsed candidate has ever set foot in Bourbon County, either in this primary season or in the 2022 election when he ran as a write-in.

As a candidate who understands the issues, speaks his mind, and wants to represent ALL 6th District residents, Todd Kelly stands out.

Matt Simpson, Paris

Daniel Whitley

I was very pleased to read that the editorial board has endorsed Daniel Whitley in the race for the Representative for the 77th District. While I applaud incumbent representative George Brown Jr.’s decade of service in the General Assembly, at 75 years old it is time for him to pass the torch. Mr. Whitley’s experience as a defense attorney is fitting preparation for the House, where he will face the daunting task of defending the civil liberties of Kentuckians from bills such as this session’s draconian House Bill 5. Whitley will be a breath of fresh air in Frankfort, and I encourage all residents of the 77th District to join me in voting for him this Tuesday.

Dylan High, Lexington

Killian Timoney

As a longtime Republican myself, I support our District 45 Representative, Killian Timoney, and I find it objectionable to be bombarded with negative mailings by dark money organizations, particularly from out of state, as they exaggerate and misstate the candidate’s actions.

According to Make Liberty Win (Virginia, Texas), “Timoney wants the rich to get richer while hardworking Kentucky families are left behind,” and he “tries to isolate children from their parents.” Commonwealth Action (Louisville) says he “voted to raise your taxes,” and “voted to keep children in dangerous schools.”

This is nonsense. Timoney’s actual voting and sponsoring history includes HB30, establishing a Ky veteran suicide prevention program; HB377, establishing a student loan forgiveness program for prospective teachers, improving recruitment; and voting Yes on HB207, expanding sex crimes violations.

I would urge anyone concerned to do actual research on any candidate’s voting record and decide based on facts, not mischaracterization. This can be done through the Legislative Research Commission at legislature.ky.gov.

District 45 has been very fortunate to have Killian this last term. I highly recommend we prepare to vote him in again while sending the dark money ads to the trash.

Brian Engle, Lexington

Compiled by Liz Carey