Airport prepares for 23,000 bank holiday passengers

Close up of airport
Passengers who need to book assisted travel should contact their airline before arriving, bosses warn [BBC]

About 23,000 passengers are expected to use Jersey Airport over the bank holiday weekend.

Ports of Jersey said it was preparing for a busy week of half term travel and advised people to leave plenty of time for flights.

It said a large number of flights would depart "within minutes of each other" and said passengers might face queues at busy times.

Head of security, Maria Le Tiec, said many UK airports did not have the same security process as Jersey and passengers should check the requirements of each airport they were travelling through.

"Some airports will still require any liquids to be in 100ml containers in clear plastic bags," she said.

Ports of Jersey said passengers using the airport should leave liquids, laptops, tablets and other electronic devices in hand baggage.

It said liquids and gels in containers of up to two litres are allowed in your hand luggage.

Footwear on or above the ankle, as well as boots, heels and wedges should be removed before going through the body scanners, it said.

The organisation advised passengers to arrive two hours before departure time for most flights, and 90 minutes for Blue Islands.

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