Air Force: All 37 Russian attack drones targeting Ukraine overnight shot down

All 37 Shahed-131/136 drones launched by Russia overnight were shot down by the air defense, Ukraine’s Air Force reported on May 19.

Russian forces targeted eight regions across Ukraine overnight, Kyiv, Odesa, and Vinnytsia oblasts, according to the Air Force’s report.

While the drone attacks were reportedly repelled, regional governors said other deadly weapons – ranging from KAB aerial guided bombs to artillery – threatened and killed civilians over the past day.

Throughout the full-scale war, Russia has regularly attacked both front-line areas and Ukrainian cities far from the battlefield. The Ukrainian authorities are urging evacuation to the civilians remaining in regions under heavy attacks, trying to reduce the casualties.

In southern Kherson Oblast, two people were killed and two wounded over the past day, regional governor Oleksandr Prokudin reported on May 19. He added that Russian troops had struck an unidentified port infrastructure, and damaged a multi-story building, eight houses, and a warehouse in the region.

In eastern Donetsk Oblast, one person was killed in Kurakhove, roughly 50 kilometers southwest of the Russian-occupied city of Avdiivka, according to regional governor Vadym Filashkin.

In Ukraine’s second-largest city of Kharkiv, six were wounded on May 18 by a Russian KAB attack, Kharkiv Oblast Governor Oleh Syniehubov said. The victims included two children aged 13 and 16, he added.

In northeastern Kharkiv Oblast, a 60-year-old woman was killed in the fiercely contested city of Vovchansk, and five people were wounded across the region.

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