Adorable little dog was reportedly saved by mouth-to-nose resuscitation

You'd be hard-pressed to find someone who knows doggy CPR, so when man's best friend is in trouble, improvisation is key.

Glenn Rowe, a farmer from Wimmera in Australia, claimed he saved the life of his kelpie Jack when the dog was lifeless after accidentally strangling himself on a lead attached to a quad bike.

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"I thought crikey, he's not looking too good, he was all glassy eyed — yeah, he was cactus," Rowe told radio station 3AW.

Rowe leapt into action by giving the dog a bit of improvised CPR. The farmer pumped him on the chest, which wasn't effective. So then he started blowing into his nose.

"And then he took a breath and I thought, oh my goodness, I think this is going to work," Rowe said. "It took a little while, but he did come good. He got all the colour back in him."

Rowe said he was worried Jack "might have brain damage" after the incident, but said you wouldn't be able to tell that the dog faced a near-death experience. 

As perhaps does Jack, who is already back to work on the farm — busy rounding up sheep.

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