Address America: Voter feedback from Charlotte

Our Address America crew was at the Democratic National Convention, where we ran into some opinionated citizens with six-word slogans, including Pennsylvania’s former governor.

For the most part, it was a Democratic crowd on day one of our trip to North Carolina. But the state is closely divided between the two major parties, and we’ll expect a diverse set of six-word slogans before the convention ends late Thursday night.

Address America: DNC Day One from National Constitution Center on Vimeo.

Here are some of the campaign stump speeches were heard as the convention started:

“Equality. Equal pay for equal work.”

“Constitutional voting rights are under attack.”

“Freedom isn’t free. Words do matter.”

“We the people need more jobs.”

“The first president for marriage equality.”

We also bumped into former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, who echoed the official slogan of the Obama campaign:

“OK America. Let’s keep moving forward,” he said.

Check back here all week for highlights from our stop at the Democratic convention in Charlotte, and if you want to make your own speech online, just visit the Address America website:

Selected speeches appear on the Address America website. As you’ll see, we have some very creative slogans! Address America: Your Six-Word Stump Speech features the following partners: SMITH Magazine, Comcast Newsmakers and the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience.

And you can watch video of all the slogans at our Vimeo channel at: