Activist Organization Hosts Voter Registration Events At ‘Black Panther’ Screenings

As Black Panther continues to break box office records, it also grows into a cultural phenomenon, shifting the idea of the portrayal of people of color in film. T’Challa’s multi-layered story has gone beyond the confines of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and has brought issues of social awareness, representation, and inclusion further to the forefront. That’s why the Movement for Black Lives is using the groundbreaking movie to engage the Black community through voter registration events at Black Panther screenings.

The movement’s Electoral Justice Project (EJP) spearheaded the “Wakanda the Vote” campaign when Black Panther opened this past weekend. The EJP fights for the advancement of the rights of the Black community through electoral strategy. With the 2018 midterm elections right around the corner, EJP hopes to encourage the community to vote during this divisive time in our country and make change.

As stated on their website, the Movement for Black Lives is a coalition of groups and individuals that focus on a “hopeful and inclusive vision of Black joy, safety, and prosperity.” They help combat violence, economic inequality and help individuals realize their greatest dreams. Black Panther lines up with their mission and the screenings of the Marvel film are the perfect spot to engage with the black community.

Through Twitter, the organization sent out a call to action to have people create their own voter registration events. They make it simple and easy and the fact that it happens before and after screenings of Black Panther, where audiences will be more than inclined to make a change.

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