Academics who criticised professor's British Empire research likened to Stalin by former equalities tsar Trevor Phillips

Former equalities tsar Trevor Phillips - Graham Jepson
Former equalities tsar Trevor Phillips - Graham Jepson

Oxford academics who criticised their colleague’s research into the British Empire have been likened to Stalin by the former equalities tsar Trevor Phillips.

Earlier this month, over 50 professors, lecturers and researchers signed an open letter in which they launched a stinging critique of Professor Nigel Biggar who suggested that people should have “pride” about aspects of their imperialist past.

Prof Biggar, regius professor of moral and pastoral theology, is leading an Oxford University project on "Ethics and the Empire" which will analyse the impact of Britain's imperial past.

Now Mr Phillips, the former chair of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, has waded into the row.

He said that the academics who signed the open letter, criticising Prof Biggar for asking "the wrong questions, using the wrong terms" are using “an attack line of which Joseph Stalin would have been proud”.

Oxford University - Credit: Andrew Matthews
Oxford University Credit: Andrew Matthews

Writing a letter to The Times newspaper, Mr Phillips said: “I spent the first three years of my life under a colonial state of emergency, with soldiers in the streets. Relatives and family friends were jailed and charged with sedition.

“Hence, I have no reason to defend colonialism. But we should constantly reappraise its consequences — one of which is today's multi-ethnic Britain.

“It may be that the 58 Oxford academics would prefer to inhabit the largely mono-ethnic, pre-Windrush Britain (a population mix somewhat preserved in their own university) but it is a fact that we are only here because you were there.”

Prof Biggar wrote in an article last month that the history of the British Empire was "morally mixed" and that "just like that of any nation state, then pride can temper shame".

He went on:  "Pride at the Royal Navy’s century-long suppression of the Atlantic slave trade, for example, will not be entirely obscured by shame at the slaughter of innocents at Amritsar in 1919.

"And while we might well be moved to think with care about how to intervene abroad successfully, we won’t simply abandon the world to its own devices."

Oxford University came to the defence of Prof Biggar after he was branded a “bigot” by the Oxford student group, Common Ground.  

A spokesman for Oxford University said the Ethics and Empire project is a “valid, evidence-led academic project and Professor Biggar, who is an internationally-recognised authority on the ethics of empire, is an entirely suitable person to lead it”.  

Student attempted to 'no platform' the feminist Germaine Greer - Credit: Clara Molden for The Telegraph
Student attempted to 'no platform' the feminist Germaine Greer Credit: Clara Molden for The Telegraph

Mr Phillips also said he is “dismayed” that the “no platform” policy - which he wrote for the National Union of Students in the 1970s to counter far-right aggression - is now being “abused”.

“Back in the 1970s far-right aggression penetrated campus life, leading to the death of a student activist, Kevin Gately,” he said.

“We wanted all students to be free to speak their minds in a society that still treated people of colour as unwelcome interlopers.

“Today's perversion of the policy means that universities are failing to protect the vulnerable, and permitting the intimidation of minority voices.”

This week, the universities minister Jo Johnson warned that t free speech is under threat at centres of learning across the country, with books being removed from libraries and lists of “trigger words” being banned for fear of causing offence.

He said that allowing "safe space" and "no-platforming" policies to prevail at universities will lead to a “slippery slope” towards a society that is unable to resist justice or make scientific breakthroughs.