9 quick stretches to do at your workstation

Relieve the pain and stiffness caused by slouching at your desk all day with these simple exercises that don’t need any props.


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We all know it. Sitting in one position for a prolonged period of time is not good for our health. Add to that the way we sit, type, rest our wrists and hold the phone. This puts us at an increased risk of back pain, shoulder pain, tense muscles, poor posture, and obesity. A lot of this can be relieved if you just take out 5 minutes every day to do these really simple stretches at your desk. They’re a great way to improve flexibility and strength, and give your mind a break.

Neck stretches
1. Start by loosening the muscles in you neck. Sit up straight with your feet planted firmly on the ground. Lean your head to the left, pause for a few seconds, come back to the centre and then lean to the left. Pause for a few seconds and come back to the centre. Do this five times per side. Then, tilt your head to the left, and use your left hand to apply some pressure on the right side of your head. Repeat on the other side.

2. Next, sit up straight and grab hold of the seat of your chair with your left hand. Breathe in and exhale as you tilt your head sideways towards the right. Remember to keep your shoulders straight. You will feel a stretch on the left side of your neck. Hold this position as you count to 10. Come back to the centre. Repeat this for the right side as well.

Shoulder and arm stretches
3. Raise your arms over your head with the fingers interlaced. Stretch your arms up, with palms facing the ceiling and stretch. Hold as you count to 10. Bring your hands down and do the same stretch one more time.

4. Next, do the handcuff stretch. Sit on the edge of your chair, put your hands behind your back and grasp your hands together. Sit straight and pull your shoulders back while pushing your chest forward. Hold this position as you count to 10. Bring your hands down and repeat.

5. Now it’s time for the side deltoid stretch. Straighten your left arm and position it across your chest. Place your right hand on the left elbow. Push the elbow towards the chest. Hold for 10 and repeat with the other side.

Wrist stretches
6. Stretch out both your arms in front of you. Your left palm should be facing outward. With the fingers of right hand gently press the fingers on your left back. Hold for a few seconds and repeat with the other hand.

7. Bring your hands near your chest and touch the fingertips together. Do not press the palms together. Then, squeeze the fingertips together and rotate first downward and then outward.

Leg stretches
8. Stand behind your chair and hold the backrest with your right hand. Bend your left leg and hold is back with your left hand. Pull your foot towards your buttock so that you feel a stretch in the front of your left thigh. Hold while counting to 10. Then repeat with the other leg.

9. Stay behind your chair and hold it for support. Place your left foot a step behind your right. Keep your left leg straight and bend your right knee. Both heels should be on the ground. Lean against the chair so that the calf muscles in your left leg are stretched. Hold while counting to 10. Then switch legs.