9-Year-Old Girl Struck and Killed After School on Her Birthday

A 9-year-old from California was struck and killed on her birthday after getting off the bus, police said.

Anakaren Galvan got off the bus and was darting across traffic lanes when she was hit last Monday evening, County Sheriff’s Sgt. Brian Hudson told KTLA.

Read: 9-Year-Girl Killed After Being Struck and Dragged By School Bus She Just Got Off

She was transferred to the hospital where she later died.

In a GoFundMe, started by the little girl’s sisters, the family said all Anakaren wanted for her birthday that day was to go to church.

The family described her as “full of love and kindness.”

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“Anakaren being the little angel that she’s always been loved church,” her sisters wrote on the fundraising page. “That day all she wanted for her birthday was to go to church and give thanks to god for letting her see 9 years of life.”

The girl was reportedly the 13th pedestrian struck and killed in Santa Clarity Valley in the past two years.

Watch: 2-Year-Old Girl Dies After Family Member Accidentally Drags Her Under Truck

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