9/11 anniversary: Rare images show the aftermath of World Trade Centre attack that killed 2,997

President George Bush on the telephone as the second plane hit the Twin Towers in New York: George W Bush Llibrary
President George Bush on the telephone as the second plane hit the Twin Towers in New York: George W Bush Llibrary

The US is marking the 16th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks which killed 2,997 people and injured more than 6,000.

The suicide missions saw hijacked passenger planes flown into the Pentagon and the Twin Towers of New York's World Trade Centre.

Another hijacked civilian airliner crashed in a field in Pennsylvania.

The worst domestic attack the US had ever experienced, it directly led to then-President George Bush launching the "War on Terror", which continues to have ramifications today.

The Independent is now publishing archive images showing the immediate aftermath of the attacks.​

George Bush reads to children at Emma E Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida, on the morning of Tuesday September 11, 2001. (George W Bush Llibrary)
George Bush reads to children at Emma E Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida, on the morning of Tuesday September 11, 2001. (George W Bush Llibrary)

President Bush was visiting a school in Florida when American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the World Trade Centre's North Tower.

The day's planned activities were quickly abandoned as the President's team scrambled to deal with the fallout.

President George Bush on the telephone as the second plane hit the Twin Towers in New York (George W Bush Llibrary)
President George Bush on the telephone as the second plane hit the Twin Towers in New York (George W Bush Llibrary)

As another plane hit the second tower, it became clear the collisions were not accidental.

President George Bush reacts to TV news footage of the second plane hitting the Twin Towers (George W Bush Llibrary)
President George Bush reacts to TV news footage of the second plane hitting the Twin Towers (George W Bush Llibrary)

In Washington, Vice President Dick Cheney coordinated the response in George Bush's absence.

Senior White House staff in the Emergency Operations Centre following the 9/11 attacks (US National Archives)
Senior White House staff in the Emergency Operations Centre following the 9/11 attacks (US National Archives)
The vice-President, his wife Lynne Cheney and first lady Laura Bush during the emergency briefing (US National Archives)
The vice-President, his wife Lynne Cheney and first lady Laura Bush during the emergency briefing (US National Archives)
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell (US National Archives)
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell (US National Archives)
Head of the CIA watches President Bush's national address (US National Archives)
Head of the CIA watches President Bush's national address (US National Archives)

On the ground in New York, there was panic as the towers collapsed, flooding the surrounding neighbourhoods with dust.

Man covered with ashes assisting a woman walking and holding a particle mask to her face, following the attack (Don Halasy)
Man covered with ashes assisting a woman walking and holding a particle mask to her face, following the attack (Don Halasy)
The smoke from the wreckage of the Twin Towers as viewed from space (Nasa)
The smoke from the wreckage of the Twin Towers as viewed from space (Nasa)

The rescue effort claimed the lives of 412 emergency responders, including 343 firefighters.

Firemen take a break from searching through the rubble of the World Trade Centre (George W Bush Llibrary)
Firemen take a break from searching through the rubble of the World Trade Centre (George W Bush Llibrary)

To mark the 16th anniversary, President Donald Trump is scheduled to observe a moment of silence at around the time the first aeroplane hit the tower.

He also planned to participate in a 9/11 observance at the Pentagon.

Also at the Pentagon, Defence Secretary Jim Mattis and General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, are hosting a private observance for victims' relatives on Monday morning.

Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke are scheduled to deliver remarks at the Flight 93 National Memorial near Shanksville, Pennysylvania.

Meanwhile, rebuilding continues at Ground Zero. The third of four planned office towers is set to open next year; so is a Greek Orthodox church, next to the trade centre site, that was crushed by the South Tower's collapse. Work toward a $250m (£189m) performing arts centre continues after a design was unveiled last autumn.

Most recently, plans were announced this spring to transform a grassy clearing on the memorial plaza into a walkway and area dedicated to 9/11 rescue and recovery workers, including those who died of illnesses years after being exposed to smoke, dust and ash at Ground Zero.