8 things we found out were linked to cancer in 2021, from makeup and deodorant to soda and alcohol habits

cancer research
A scientist lowers biological samples into a liquid-nitrogen storage tank at the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute.Dan Kitwood/Getty Images/Cancer Research UK
  • Cancer is a leading cause of death, with more than 1.8 million new cases annually in the US.

  • Many factors contribute to cancer, like genetics, and it's not clear what causes individual cases.

  • Scientists linked several everyday habits and items to cancer in 2021, which prompted more research.

Every year, about 1.8 million people in the US are diagnosed with cancer. About 600,000 people die from the disease annually, which makes it the second-leading cause of death in the country after heart disease.

Scientists don't fully understand how cancer works or what causes individual cases. It's difficult to pinpoint the origins of cancer because many factors are involved, including genetics, environment, lifestyle, and even your job.

Research this year found links to cancer in our everyday lives.

Known cancer-causing chemicals continue to show up in unexpected places, including household items, because of industrial contamination. Researchers are also starting to better understand the health implications of other toxins, such as pesticides. Evidence from this year suggested pesticides were linked to cancer decades and generations after exposure. And lifestyle habits like what we eat, drink, and do also play a role in our risk of cancer and when it might develop.

While intriguing, the evidence doesn't directly point to what causes cancer, but understanding correlations can help scientists come up with future research questions to better our knowledge of the disease and how to prevent it.

Light drinking, even one to two alcoholic beverages per day, may raise cancer risk

Research from July suggests you don't have to drink in excess to be at risk of alcohol-related cancers — even two drinks a day may up the odds of developing the disease.Sally Anscombe / Getty Images

While alcohol has long been categorized as a carcinogen, research continues to support the theory that there may be no safe amount to drink.

Routine drinking, even in moderation, is linked to a higher risk of cancer, a study published in July in The Lancet Oncology found.

Researchers from the International Agency for Research on Cancer found that a total of 741,300 new cancer cases globally last year were alcohol-related.

Drinking as few as two alcoholic beverages a day was linked to 103,000 new cancer cases in 2020, the study found.

But it's still worth it to cut back on drinking, since more than two alcoholic beverages a day is even riskier, evidence suggests. Heavy drinking — six or more beverages a day — was the biggest culprit, linked to nearly half of all alcohol-related cancer cases in 2020, according to the study.

Some batches of sunscreen were contaminated with a cancer-causing substance

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In 2021, some batches of sunscreen were contaminated with a carcinogenic chemical, but it isn't an ongoing problem with certain brands or products.Getty Images

Sunscreen is often recommended as a strategy for mitigating skin cancer caused by ultraviolet rays from the sun.

But this year, Valisure, an independent testing lab, called for 40 batches of sunscreen products to be pulled from store shelves after they tested positive for benzene, a carcinogenic industrial chemical.

Benzene has been known to increase cancer risk since 1977, when a study found workers who were exposed to it were nine times more likely to develop leukemia.

The sunscreen products may have unknowingly been contaminated with benzene during manufacturing, as the chemical is used as an industrial solvent. While the amount of the chemical in sunscreen was small, no exposure is safe, experts said.

Researchers who tested the sunscreen said it was likely an issue with specific batches, not with certain brands or the products themselves, so don't swear off sunscreen entirely.

Carcinogenic benzene was also found in some deodorants

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Batches of deodorant from eight different brands tested positive for benzene, an industrial chemical linked to blood cancer. Butane, used to spray the product out of the can, was likely the source of contamination.UniversalImagesGroup/Getty

Benzene, an industrial chemical linked to blood cancers like leukemia, was also found in two dozen batches of spray-on deodorant.

The testing lab Valisure urged the Food and Drug Administration to remove the products from shelves, which prompted Procter & Gamble to voluntarily recall 18 types of deodorant, including Old Spice and Secret products.

The deodorants in question contained up to nine times the FDA's recommended limit of benzene, according to the Valisure investigation.

Products from seven other brands also tested positive for benzene, but the companies did not immediately take action.

Benzene was not an ingredient in the products but likely a side effect of manufacturing the products, a statement from Procter & Gamble said.

The company said trace amounts of benzene were detected in the material used to spray deodorant out of the can. Researchers said butane, a common propellant in aerosol sprays, was most likely the source of the benzene contamination.

A soda habit was linked to higher risk of colorectal cancer in younger women

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Multiple sodas a day may make women more likely to develop colorectal cancer before they turn 50, research suggests.EyeEm / Getty

Daily soda drinking may be contributing to the rise of colorectal cancer in younger people, a May 6 study published in the journal Gut found.

Researchers found that women who drank multiple servings of soda or other sugary beverages every day were twice as likely to develop cancer before age 50 compared with their peers who drank less than one soda a week.

Evidence suggests the risk starts in the teenage years, with each daily serving of sweetened drinks between ages 13 to 18 contributing to a higher risk of colon cancer before age 50.

Overall, the study found the rate of colorectal cancers in younger people was relatively low; only 109 cases were identified among 95,464 participants in 24 years of follow-up.

But the disease is on the rise among younger people, with the average age of a colorectal-cancer diagnosis dropping from 72 to 66 in recent years. Researchers aren't sure why but theorize unhealthy diets play a role.

Cosmetics like waterproof mascara and foundation tested positive for "forever chemicals"

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Most of the waterproof mascara tested had high fluorine levels, which indicated the presence of PFAS chemicals linked to certain cancers and issues with the thyroid and immune system.Tesnim Karisik/EyeEm via Getty Images

A wide variety of cosmetics tested positive for carcinogenic "forever chemicals" this year, including waterproof mascara, liquid lipstick, and foundation.

Researchers tested 231 samples of cosmetic products and found nearly half had high levels of fluorine, which indicated the presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances.

Called PFAS for short, the group of chemicals are notorious for lingering in the environment and the human body over time, accumulating and creating health risks. Exposure to common types of PFAS has been linked to several cancers, as well as thyroid and immune system problems.

Waterproof or long-lasting products were most likely to contain PFAS, researchers found.

A majority of the products containing PFAS weren't labeled as such, which prompted the researchers to call for more vigorous government oversight. Cosmetics are less regulated than food and drug industries despite the fact that their close proximity to the human body can result in risky chemical exposures.

Having oral sex at a younger age was linked to greater risk of HPV and related cancers

Mouth and throat cancers can develop from HPV, the most common sexually transmitted disease in the US. Oral sex can spread the infection.Crystal Cox/Business Insider

The age at which you start having oral sex and how many sexual partners you have could be factors in developing cancer related to sexually transmitted disease, new research suggests.

HPV, the most common STD in the US, is a leading cause of mouth and throat cancer, and researchers found certain sexual experiences were linked to greater risk of it.

People who reported having oral sex younger and had more sexual partners overall were more likely to develop mouth and throat cancers than peers who had fewer partners and oral sex later in life, a study published in Cancer found.

More frequent participation in French kissing and vaginal sex were also linked to higher risk of HPV and related cancers, the study found.

The research was limited in that it focused primarily on heterosexual participants who were 50 to 69 years old and married or living with a partner during the study.

Pesticides may have generational effects on cancer risk factors

a person spraying a field of crops with a pesticide
DDT, a pesticide linked to health risks, may also create problems for the descendants of people exposed to it.fmajor/Getty Images

Women whose grandparents were exposed to toxic pesticides have a higher risk of breast cancer, research from 2021 found.

DDT, or dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane, is a chemical that was banned in 1972 after evidence suggested its risks to human and environmental health outweighed the benefits of killing pests.

Decades later, researchers have found the health risks may be passed down through generations. The descendants of women who were pregnant during the time DDT was popular were two to three times more likely to have obesity, the research from the University of California, Davis, found.

Women in their 20s and 30s whose grandmothers were exposed to DDT were also more likely to have their periods start early, around age 11. Early menstruation can be a risk factor in later health conditions such as breast cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Parasites from contaminated meat or water are linked to a rare brain cancer

Toxoplasma gondii
Toxoplasma gondii, a single-cell parasite spread via contaminated food and water, was linked to a rare aggressive brain tumor.BSIP / Getty Images

Eating raw or undercooked meat could be linked to the risk of a rare form of brain cancer via parasitic infection, a 2021 study found.

Researchers at the American Cancer Society found toxoplasma gondii, a single-celled parasite found in contaminated meat and water, was linked to an aggressive form of brain cancer. Known as glioma, the rare cancer is responsible for 80% of malignant brain tumors.

The parasites may affect between 20 to 50% of the global population, research suggests. They often go undetected in human hosts, but sometimes cause cysts inside the brain. The resulting swelling can lead to glioma, the researchers said.

But glioma continues to be extremely rare, and T. gondii has yet to be directly linked to the cancer, so more research is needed.

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