8 simple acne remedies you can DIY at home


So you’ve got a big interview tomorrow afternoon. You’re ready. You’ve got your resume, your speech, and your perfect “hire me” shoes. You wake up, and immediately — you feel it.

Right on your chin. Right under your skin. The dreaded zit. It’s just ready and waiting to pop up and form a painful, life-ruining eye sore.

Don’t have time to pick up acne cream? Don’t fret — there are a number of home remedies to reduce the appearance of that angry red blemish.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is great because it’s got natural antibacterial properties without any harsh, synthetic chemicals. It’s perfect for when you want to cleanse and dry out a zit but don’t want to walk around with a creamy splotch on your face.

To do: First, dilute the oil with water, put a little bit on a clean Q-tip or cotton swab and apply directly to the pimple. Apply as often as necessary.

Witch Hazel

Very much like tea tree oil, witch hazel is a natural astringent, but also a disinfectant. It not only treats acne but cleanses the skin and can also help with acne scars.

To do: Place on Q-tip or cotton swab and apply directly to the area. Again, apply as often as you feel necessary, but watch out, witch hazel can be very drying.



Honey is a truly wonderful (and delicious) thing, because it’s:

1. An antibiotic
2. Hyper acidic, preventing bacteria growth
3. An anti-inflammatory, which reduce swelling and redness
4. Rich in natural antioxidants
5. Sticky. This normally unpleasant consistency can actually remove dirt and grime.

To do: You can eat it, you can apply it directly to the zit with a Q-tip, or or you can make a scrub, which leads us to our next remedy…

Brown sugar scrub

This “magic potion” of honey, brown sugar and lemon juice is the perfect scrub to remove excess dead skin and cleanse the area. Brown sugar makes an excellent exfoliant while lemon is a powerful astringent and disinfectant giving your pimple a one-two punch

To do: Mix a tablespoon of honey, a half tablespoon of brown sugar and two squirts of lemon juice. Smooth all over face. Scrub in small circles for about five minutes. Rinse with warm water and a wash cloth. Your skin will feel refreshed, clean and as smooth as a baby’s bottom.


Nope, it’s not just for cramps or hangovers. Aspirin is a useful remedy because its effective ingredient is chemically similar to salicylic acid, which helps cleanse and exfoliate the skin.

To do: Crush one to four tablets (no more than that because it can lead to blood-thinning issues), add in one or two tablespoons of water to make a paste. Apply a thin layer and allow to dry. Rinse area with warm water.



This is amazing at reducing redness and swelling. It’s cool, it’s made up of mostly water so it’s obviously moisturizing and like honey, it’s delicious.

To do: There are three ways in which to use cucumber. First, you can puree in a blender to make a mask and let stand for 30 to 35 minutes. Second, you can simply use the juice as a natural astringent by squeezing it out and applying or rubbing them on your face and leaving it on as long as you like. Third, you can place sliced (and refrigerated) cucumbers directly to the affected area in order to utilize its natural anti-inflammatory properties.

Egg Whites

Using egg whites to treat acne has been passed down from generation to generation (at least in my family). They’re proven effective for certain skin types because of their drying ability, which cleanses and lifts dirt and debris out of the pores. They also soak up excess oil and act as an astringent.

To do: Crack an egg. Separate the white from the yolk. Whisk the egg white and spread a thin layer onto skin (with a cotton ball preferably). Place a tissue on your face and leave it for about 40 to 45 minutes. When it’s completely dry, peel it off. Cleanse skin afterwards with warm water or a toner.

Vitamin E

So you’ve jumped past the first few hurdles. The zit has come and gone. But, unfortunately, it’s left a pretty gnarly scar in its wake. Well, not to worry. It’s nothing some Vitamin E can’t handle. Zits suck out moisture, making the skin extremely dry, and Vitamin E has properties that hydrates and softens the skin, increases blood circulation and helps in tissue formation and regeneration.

To Do: You can remove the oil from a Vitamin E capsule and apply directly to the scar. However, if you’ve got oily skin, it might be better to take it orally.


Everyone has different skin, which reacts differently to different topical treatments, so be gentle with your skin. If it’s one of those painful “under-the-skin” zits that take much too long to form, I recommend you place a hot towel over the area to force it to come to a head quicker, so you can get right to healing that sucker. If it’s really bad and you get these types of zits often, you might need to consult a dermatologist.
