7 days until the midterm elections: Where things stand

People cast their ballots on Oct. 27, 2018, in Marietta, Ga., ahead of the Nov. 6 midterm election. (Photo: Mike Stewart/AP)
People cast their ballots on Oct. 27, 2018, in Marietta, Ga., ahead of the Nov. 6 midterm election. (Photo: Mike Stewart/AP)

(Countdown above in ET)

Key races checkup:

Sen. Heidi Heitkamp is betting that the polls in North Dakota are wrong and that the moderate Democrat can still pull out a win in her Senate race against Rep. Kevin Cramer in the deep red state where Trump prevailed in 2016 by nearly 36 points. Could she be right? (Read more)

With nearly 400,000 early votes cast in Nevada, polling guru Jon Ralston sees reasons for optimism for Democrat Rep. Jacky Rosen in her bid to unseat incumbent Republican Sen. Dean Heller. “The early vote/mail models are starting to tilt toward the Dems,” Ralston wrote Monday on his blog at the Nevada Independent. (Read more)

A new Quinnipiac University poll finds that Democrat Beto O’Rourke has significantly cut into Republican Ted Cruz‘s lead in their Senate race in Texas. O’Rourke still trails by five points, according to the poll. (Read More)

Worried that two high-profile races in Florida might be slipping away from Republicans, President Trump went on the offensive against Democrat Andrew Gillum Monday, calling the African-American gubernatorial candidate a “thief.” The president praised the Republican in the race, Ron DeSantis, for his Ivy league pedigree. (Read more)


In a defeat for Republicans in Pennsylvania, the U.S. Supreme Court has rebuffed their bid to reinstate a congressional district map that a lower court struck down due to partisan bias. This means that Democrats will have a much better chance to pick up House seats in the state. (Read more)

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Scorecard sources:

Generic ballot: FiveThirtyEight

Right track/wrong track: Gallup

Trump approval: FiveThirtyEight

At-risk seats in the Senate: Cook Political Report

At-risk seats in the House: Cook Political Report

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