7 best books about running

Whether you’re tentatively considering your first foray into running or are already a seasoned competitor, reading a book on the subject written by someone who’s been there and got the proverbial (and literal) t shirt will spur you on.

From the tales of the seemingly indestructible ultra-marathon runner to the intimidated novice, there’s one here that will resonate with every kind of runner- even if you don’t think you are one… yet.

Born to Run

by Christopher McDougall

It’s impossible to deny that running a marathon is no easy feat, but the light shed on the Tarahumara- a tribe believed to be the best long distance runners in the world- in this book puts our 26.2 cushioned, carb-amped miles to shame. In an exploration of humankind’s instinctual ability to run, McDougall passionately observes this community and their seemingly natural aptitude for covering long distances barefoot in extremely inhospitable conditions. Whilst it’s easy to feel rather useless after reading this, McDougall’s enthusiasm is palpable and easy to catch. Read if you’re tempted to do something utterly mad, like running the Marathon des Sables, and don’t want to be put off.

£6.99, Amazon, Buy it now

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running

by Haruki Murakami

A celebrated novelist, such as Murakami, writing an autobiographical tale about running seems rather odd. What point, you might wonder, could a fiction writer make about running that would be useful? By the end of the opening chapter though, this doubt is brushed aside- the ease with which you can relax into his rhetoric makes this a wonderful bedtime read.

Although there are shades of the practical, this is more of love letter than anything else. If you’ve ever waxed lyrical on the joy of running negative splits or finding the perfect trainer only to be met with blank stares, this book- which gives running a romantic nobility- will provide the solace and recognition you’ve been searching for.

£6.29, Amazon, Buy it now

Eat & Run

By Scott Jurek & Steve Friedman

Opening the first chapter to find one of the greatest runners of all time recalling the moment he collapsed from exhaustion half way through the Death Valley Badwater Ultramarathon makes this a compelling read from the off. Jurek is a living legend in running circles, holding the record for some of the most prestigious ultramarathons in the world. For those dipping their toes into the other-worldly dimension of long distance running, this book will inspire you to delve into the depths of your strength; both physical and mental. Attributing his success to a strict vegan diet, Jurek’s sheer doggedness is truly inspirational and pinned to the mantra, ‘run until you can’t run anymore. Then run some more.’

£6.29, Amazon, Buy it now

Running Like A Girl

by Alexandra Heminsley

Hearing that running is ‘natural’ and what we are ‘born’ to do is most unhelpful if you find even the prospect of running for the bus traumatic (although, let’s be honest- this is awful for everyone, regardless of ability). Alexandra Heminsley’s examination of her own journey from couch lover to marathon runner is refreshingly honest and accessible: she is not a professional athlete but rather an amateur, like the rest of us, who has managed to squeeze five marathons into her spare time over the last decade. In her memoir, Heminsley expounds upon the life-affirming capacity of the exercise to both heal and inspire. A must-read for tentative beginners.

£6.29, Amazon, Buy it now

The Last Carbonara: Running in Italy

By Anthony Jennings

It seems that running is one of those things you can’t just do a bit of. People either love it or loathe it; begrudgingly venturing out on a half hour jaunt one a week to abate the growing love handles or gorging on the sport so much that they’ve broken some world record or other within their first year. Jennings was, indeed, one of those that caught the bug- and at the ripe age of 57, no less. He talks of running through his adopted home country, Italy, zooming in on the way of life in a comically misanthropic way. It can equally be enjoyed by those about to retire needing a push to get into a new hobby and those who hate running but love Italy- particularly the food.

£8, Amazon, Buy it now

The Cool Impossible

By Eric Orton

​Those looking for a guide to bettering their pace, stamina or form will welcome The Cool Impossible and its tips. Accessible to runners of all levels, it’s been penned by the running coach of the Born To Run escapade, so you know you’re in good hands. Practical and accessible, it’s easy to refer to at different points during training and will help you to form such good habits that you’re certain to turn into one of those running evangelists you used to hate.

£12.83, Amazon, Buy it now

How to Lose a Marathon

By Joel Cohen

Bright eyed people who preach about the virtues of running are often regarded with suspicion or, worse, derision by those who are more cynical. This is understandable, of course- many people dread the moment of stepping out for a long distance scamper, feeling every step as much as the first. If you are one of those people, do not despair. Cohen speaks with refreshing frankness about the trials and tribulations of running; offering sound advice and hilarious anecdotes for those of us who wouldn’t pass up a good night out just for the sake of training the next day. Read this when you’re sick of the grind and need a revitalising dose of humour to get you over the finish line on a race day.

£11.99, Amazon, Buy it now