6 ways to prevent accidental poisonings

6 ways to prevent accidental poisonings

LANSING, Mich. (WLNS) – It’s Parenting Connection Tuesday and 6 News is here for you with tips, strategies, and helpful reminders from child development experts on how we can be better parents and guardians.

Today’s topic: 6 ways to prevent accidental poisonings.

All moms and dads know, that it only takes 10 seconds for your child to vanish and get into something they aren’t supposed to be getting into. So, during National Poison Prevention Week, 6 News wants to raise awareness about ways to prevent unintentional poisonings among family members, more specifically children.

Medicines are the most common cause of poisonings, with cleaning products and alcohol right behind. The majority of these cases happen at home – when a kid drinks, breathes in, or gets exposed to the substance on their skin.

Symptoms of Poisoning include:

  • A hard time breathing or speaking

  • Dizziness or Unconsciousness

  • Foaming or burning of the mouth

  • Cramps

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

Here are 6 ways from doctors to lessen the chance of kids being accidentally poisoned:

  • Inspect your entire home for any medicines, cleaning products, pesticides, and fertilizers that may not be stored properly and correct the situation immediately

  • Always store potentially poisonous products up high, away, and out of sight from children

  • Install safety latches on cabinets used for medicines and household products

  • Buy products in child-resistant packaging

  • Teach children to always ask an adult before eating, drinking, or touching anything that is not food

  • Put the toll-free Poison Help number, 1-800-222-1222, into your home and mobile phone

It’s also highly recommended that you install carbon monoxide detectors in the home, and get your property checked for radon.

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