5 Ways To Deal With Bumpy Underarm Skin

Instead of using a razor, try waxing, which uproots the hair and leaves your skin surface smoother.
Instead of using a razor, try waxing, which uproots the hair and leaves your skin surface smoother.

Except for the lucky few that are blessed with gloriously smooth and fair armpits, us girls are generally conscious when it comes to our underarms. So much so, that we think twice about things like joining the volleyball team, wearing tank tops, or even simply raising our hands in class or at a concert. Don’t you hate how your bumpy armpit situation takes all the fun out of life? Here are five quick tips to smoothen those pits so you can put your hands in the air (and wave it around like you just don’t care)!

Retire your razor
Shaving may be the quickest and most convenient way to deal with pesky underarm hair, but it’s quite abrasive and tends to leave skin stubbly and bumpy. Instead, try waxing, which uproots the hair and leaves your skin surface smoother. Waxing also leaves you hair-free longer, there is less chance of ingrown hair, and the hair actually thins out over time. Better yet, think of investing in laser hair removal—imagine, silky smooth, hair-free pits for life!

Rest Your Skin
Whatever hair removal method you prefer (shaving, waxing, plucking, depilatories, etc), try to do this less often and allow more time for the hair to grow and skin to rejuvenate (just skip the sleeveless tees during hairy days). Also, never apply anti-perspirant/deodorant immediately after hair removal. Skin may still be tender and raw, and the ingredients in your deo product may irritate skin, causing redness and bumps. Your best bet is to do your hair removal at night—this way, you don’t need deodorant, there’s less chance of sweating (and bacteria entering your pores), and there’s more time for skin to heal.

Also read: Ways to Ward Off Ingrown Hair

Use a bath sponge
Dirt, sweat, bacteria, and deodorant residue can all accumulate in your pits everyday, which may lead to a dark and bumpy appearance, eek! Simply washing with soap is not enough, so use a bath lily, loofah, or sponge to gently wipe your underarms. Take note: never scrub vigorously, or you will end up irritating—or worse, breaking—your underarm skin.

Once or twice a week, treat your skin to a gentle exfoliant (or you can DIY with a mixture of honey and brown sugar), paying special attention to your underarms. This will unclog pores, slough away accumulated dirt, sweat, and dead skin cells, and smoothen and brighten the appearance of your skin. Tip: for best results, exfoliate the day before waxing.

Also read: Ways to Keep Skin Soft And Supple

Choose Your Deo Wisely
There’s a mind-boggling range of anti-perspirants/deodorants in the market today—how do you choose the right one? Look for a product that addresses your individual concerns. If you suffer from rough, bumpy skin, your current deo may be too drying, causing irritation. Be sure to pick a reputable anti-perspirant/deo that contains moisturizers to help achieve smoother, fairer underarms that no longer cause you embarrassment. Goodbye chicken skin, hello confidence!