The 5 things Uber needs to do in order to keep its licence

Uber has failed to act as
Uber has failed to act as

Time is running out for Uber in London, where its licence is due to be revoked on Saturday 30 September. While its 40,000 drivers can continue operating until all appeals against Transport for London's decided not to renew its licence to operate are exhausted, its cars will be banned from the streets of the capital. 

In his statement supporting TfL's decision last week, Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, said Uber had failed to act as "a fit and proper operator", and that it would be wrong for TfL to license it if there was "any way this could pose a threat to Londoners' safety or security".

"As Mayor of London, I welcome innovative new companies that help Londoners by providing a better and more affordable service," he said.

Where has Uber run into trouble around the world?

"But providing an innovative service is not an excuse for not following the rules. All companies in London must play by the rules and adhere to the high standards we expect - particularly when it comes to the safety of customers." 

Over the last three days, more than 750,000 people have signed their names to a petition to save Uber. Last Friday, it was receiving around 1,000 signatures a minute, as the news was treated by Londoners as though the apocalypse were nigh.

But this is only the latest chapter in a lengthy conflict between regulators and the taxi app.

Since it arrived in London in June 2012, the San Francisco-based company has been accused of using shortcuts to avoid paying taxes, and shirking its responsibilities towards its passengers and its drivers. (Uber is currently appealing a ruling saying it must treat them as employees and pay them minimum wage and provide sick pay.) 

Uber-statement: the San Francisco-based company has been accused of using shortcuts to avoid paying taxes - Credit:  Toby Melville/REUTERS
Uber-statement: the San Francisco-based company has been accused of using shortcuts to avoid paying taxes Credit: Toby Melville/REUTERS

When its five-year operating licence expired this summer, TfL gave Uber a four-month extension to get its house in order while it considered granting it another five years.

TfL based its decision not be renew its licence when it expires on Saturday on how Uber handles its business. In a statement on Friday, the regulator referenced issues such as the way in which Uber reports criminal offences and runs background checks on its drivers. That it didn't also bring environmental aspects into the argument, such as the company's impact on congestion in London, prompted many to suggest TfL is making an example of the Silicon Valley giant, but in the end won't banish it. 

The company's new CEO, Dara Khosrowshahi, has since apologised to Londoners, admitting that Uber has made mistakes and needs to make changes.

So what must Uber do to convince Tfl to grant it a renewal of its licence?

To ensure the three million Londoners who use its app aren't left without a budget taxi service, Uber needs to gets its house in order fast.

It needs to...

1. Change its approach to workers rights

Uber has always argued that its drivers are not directly employed by the company, but rather that they are self-employed, thus admonishing them of any requirement to protect drivers by offering them all the usual employee rights.

A landmark employment tribunal last year ruled that its drivers were, in fact, employees, meaning Uber would have to provide sick pay, pensions and the minimum wage (currently £7.50 an hour for people over 25 years old). 

Uber | UK areas of operation

But the company has vowed to fight the ruling. 

In April, a committee of MPs accused Uber of exploiting workers with purposefully unintelligible contracts. Labour MP Frank Field said at the time: "These companies parade the ‘flexibility’ their model offers to drivers, but it seems the only real flexibility is enjoyed by the companies themselves.

“They are not paying sick leave or contributing to pensions. Yet it seems likely that their employment practices will lead more people to need taxpayers to pick up these costs.”

2. Commit to reporting criminal offences

Uber has come under fire repeatedly for the way in which it handles allegations of criminal offences - including sexual assault - by its drivers against passengers. 

Last month, Met Police Inspector Neil Billany wrote to TfL raising concerns that Uber was failing to properly investigate allegations of assault made against its drivers, revealing that the company had continued to employ a driver after he was accused of sexual assault.

In a strongly worded letter, Inspector Billany told how that same driver went on to assault another female passenger before he was eventually removed. 

Freedom of Information data obtained by The Sun last year showed that the Met investigated 32 drivers for the rape or sexual assault of a passenger between May 2015 and May 2016.

But Billany speculated that Uber was deciding which matters to pass on to police based on what was “less damaging to reputation over serious offences”, and added that Uber’s policy of logging the criminal complaints with TfL instead had prompted delays of up to seven months before they were investigated by officers.

Uber needs to prove it is committed to reporting serious crimes quickly, efficiently and with no agenda. 

Uber vs black cabs

3. Prove it is doing thorough background checks on drivers

Tfl's statement last Friday flagged up Uber’s approach to how medical certificates were obtained.

Drivers must provide medical certificates to show they are fit to drive. But some drivers are said to have been using an online GP service via video rather than having a check up in person as the regulations insist.

The Sun revealed last year how Uber drivers were able to obtain falsified medical certificates which gave them the all-clear for service. 

Tfl also informed Uber this month that background checks on thousands of its drivers were invalid, and said it needed to justify its approach to how Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks are obtained.

But it has since been suggested that the suggestion is unfair, as Tfl licenses the drivers and should therefore be held responsible for the checks. 

A source close to Uber told the FT: “A lot of people don’t know that drivers are background-checked and licensed by TfL.

“Uber does not get a say on who gets licensed in the capital. Without the TfL licence, they can’t come and drive on the Uber app.”

4. Justify its use of controversial Greyball software

In March, it emerged after an investigation in the New York Times that Uber had been secretly using a tool called Greyball to deceive law enforcement officials. 

Greyball - used in Portland, Oregan, Philadelphia, Boston and Las Vegas, as well as France, Australia, China, South Korea and Italy - used the personal data (including their credit card information) of individuals it believed were connected to local governments... and ensured its drivers would not pick them up.

Anybody tagged to be “Greyballed” would either see fake “ghost” cars, or no cars on the app. 

In cases where somebody got through and did manage to book an Uber, the company would call the driver to cancel the ride.

Uber denies ever using the software "for the purposes cited by TfL", implying it is used in some capacity. 

Uber needs to explain its use of the distinctly creepy software pronto.

5. Address its workplace culture

This is not something TfL has specified in its statement, but the company's reputation has been rocked over the past couple of years by a series of revelations about sexual harassment and sexism in its offices. 

In February, former engineer Susan Fowler wrote a 3,000-word blog about the toxic culture in its Silicon Valley office.

The furore that followed led to two external investigations which uncovered 215 complaints and saw 20 employees fired.

CEO Travis Kalanick resigned shortly after the investigation's findings were published.

At a glance | Uber licence denied in London