5 senior Trump appointees at FAA resign in protest

Five senior Trump appointees at the Federal Aviation Administration have announced their resignations, in response to Wednesday’s rioting at the Capitol incited by President Donald Trump, according to an email obtained by POLITICO.

The leaders include Arjun Garg, chief counsel and current acting deputy FAA administrator; Brianna Manzelli, assistant administrator for communications; Kirk Shaffer, associate administrator for airports; Bailey Edwards, assistant administrator for policy, international affairs and environment; and Andrew Giacini, governmental affairs adviser, performing the duties of the assistant administrator for government and industry affairs.

In a video message to FAA employees, Administrator Steve Dickson condemned the violence at the Capitol as “reprehensible“ and “unpardonable.” He noted the resignation of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao earlier in the day and said that “a number of our non-career leaders here at FAA have similarly made the decision to resign.”