5 Reasons Why Acne Patches From Dr. Wonder Are The Acne Products You Need In Your Life Now

Lets face it — in such a humid country like Singapore, acne and pimples are inevitable. Perspiration, even the littlest of it, can result in pimples forming, due to the excess sebum that our body is excreting. That’s fine really, if they’re quick to come and go — but then we realise that unlucky souls like us often get kissed by the red, angry ones that are protruding and are painful to the touch.

And the best part? We often aren’t sure of how to take care and soothe such raw acne, so we do what we do best… by often trying to claw them out. Hands up if you have itchy fingers that can’t seem to stop picking away at acne — we feel you, friend.

So that’s where acne patches come to play. The anti-blemish patches by Dr. Wonder have been sold out nationwide in Korea multiple times, and it’s really not hard to see why. They are possibly the most effective and user-friendly patches in the market and people are obsessed with them. Here’s why:


1. The patch does the work for you

There’s always the urge to claw out unripe pimples when they’re still in the budding stage, and that’s exactly how scars form, because firstly, your fingers aren’t the right tools to exact pus out. Secondly, they’re dirty, and you’re introducing bacteria into your wound! That’s not exactly the best way to treat a pimple, no?

My Princess 到貨喇!!神奇暗倉貼!10個鐘為你撕走痘痘 #DrWonder Anti Spot Patch #神奇暗瘡貼 (一盒60塊) $85/盒 好貼,只有0.2mm,遠睇完全唔覺。而且防水,出汗沖涼化妝都無問題。化妝前貼左都可上妝,完妝後不覺眼,仲可以防止暗瘡細菌感染周邊皮膚,具消炎去腫,鎮靜修復,加速暗瘡復原功效。 門市網站現貨發售 My Princess Cosmetic Co. LTD (我的公主) 地址: 大埔安泰路1號大埔廣場2樓26號鋪 營業時間:星期一至星期日 11:30am-9:00pm 查詢電話:24192301 觀塘巧明街117號港貿中心3樓301室 營業時間:星期一至星期日 11:30am-8:00pm 查詢電話: 2413 3608 上水廣場8樓813A室 營業時間:星期一至星期日 11:00am-8:00pm 查詢電話: 2797 3115 銅鑼灣謝斐道506-508號聯成商業中心13樓1302室 營業時間 : 星期一至星期日12:30pm – 8:30pm 查詢電話:2836 0029 旺角彌敦道610號荷里活商業中心11樓1105室 營業時間 : 星期一至星期日12:00pm – 10:00pm 查詢電話: 2332 6971 荃灣青山公路264 – 298號南豐中心23樓2301B-6室 營業時間 : 星期一至星期日12:30pm – 8:30pm 查詢電話:2940 6068 元朗青山公路99-109號元朗貿易中心11樓 1102室 (輕鐵大棠站,專業旅運旁入囗) 營業時間 : 星期一至星期日12:30pm – 8:30pm 查詢電話:2703 7533 查詢熱線: 28990038 網上訂單查詢: order@myprincessyoyo.com 官網訂購 www.myprincessyoyo.com 淘寶店: http://myprincessyoyo.taobao.com #我的公主 #Myprincessyoyo #myprincesshk #我的公主美妝

A post shared by 我的公主My Princess|化妝品護膚品|beauty (@myprincessyoyo) on Mar 7, 2017 at 10:35pm PST

What the patch does is that it absorbs whatever little pus/sebum there is in the little area throughout the wear time, and effectively dries the area out. This will result in two possibilities — the area becomes a dry scab, or a white head.


2. The patch prevents scarring

Precisely because the patch isn’t forcefully extracting the pus out of pimples, there will not be any scarring since everything happens naturally. The patch will turn white after slowly extracting the liquids in the pimple, and when you finally peel it off, whiteheads might be pulled out of the skin as well, in the most painless way possible.


3. The patch protects the blemish from environmental contamination

The acne patch seals the pimple and places it in a “safe” zone to heal. That also protects the spot from environmental pollution that may cause it to worsen.


4. The patch blends right into your skin tone

It’s impossible to have wear pimple cream out, especially for those who wear makeup every day. But with this patch you are able to directly apply makeup onto the area because of how incredibly thin and translucent it is. Some users have even commented that they are unable to locate where did they place the patch before, because it literally blends right into your skin tone!

And in case you’re wondering, the patch is 0.2mm thin. That’s half the thinness of the other acne patches out in the market.



5. The patch is incredibly malleable

For those who suffer from hormonal acne along the chin, you may have noticed that some acne patches refuse to mould to the contours of your face, which makes it hard to target certain areas. The one by Dr. Wonder is so flexible because of its thinness and you can literally stick it anywhere without issues

【韓國人氣熱賣】 韓妹都瘋搶呢盒「暗瘡神奇貼」 多次售罄紀錄|斷左咁耐,終於都返貨啦 特價 $89 加大版▶ wtsapp 95387707 . . 「Dr Wonder 神奇暗瘡貼」實拍影片 Oppa 下巴生左粒暗瘡,臨訓前幫佢貼左塊暗瘡貼,一起身緊係好期特撕落黎個效果,果然韓國人氣熱賣係有原因,成粒暗瘡白頭痴左出黎,再貼多半日暗瘡貼,已經消腫退紅了 呢個產品既瘋購程度真係無誇張,成日一直斷貨,話咁快千幾盒已比大家掃走一半有多,最後300盒啦,已經收到廠商消息,3月先再有貨,所以想買就要快D擺入購物籃啦 好多客人都問Dr Wonder 2款有咩分別,其實只是Size不一樣 , 綠盒既暗瘡貼Size係10mm同12mm; 而新既粉紅盒Size係12mm同14mm 有暗瘡,用手唧係最唔衛生,最蠢又易留印既做法,最近一眾韓仔韓妹都瘋搶呢盒「暗瘡神奇貼」,有暗瘡一腫就即時貼,10個鐘後消左腫之如,仲連埋D 膿成條咁撕埋出黎 . 比起一般既暗瘡貼更薄,只有0.2mm,遠睇完全唔覺,而且係防水嫁,出汗沖涼化妝都無問題。暗瘡貼可以幫助消腫抗炎,吸收暗瘡內既雜質,防止暗瘡繼續細菌感染。暗瘡神奇貼除左夠方便,隨時隨地都貼得,最重要係可以消除暗瘡不留印,就算粒暗瘡謝左,都要繼續貼,因爲佢有消炎去腫外,仲有鎮靜修復功能。 . Dr wonder Anti Spot Patch (一盒60塊) 韓國廠商直送到港,歡迎批發 WECHAT: shegoestoseoul ____________________________________ 觀塘成業街怡生工業中心G座1樓 | 查詢 whats app 95387707 | ♡ 如想知道更多產品詳細資料 可以去返 profile 度 click 網址 @shegoestoseoul #Drwonder #AntiSpotPatch #drwonder暗瘡貼 #神奇暗瘡貼 #暗瘡神奇貼 #暗瘡貼 #黑頭棉花 #黑頭棉花波波 #hanskin粉紅霜

A post shared by ●韓國老闆親自主理●19萬人FB讚好小店●韓國化妝護膚品 (@shegoestoseoul) on Feb 23, 2017 at 3:25am PST


6. The patch comes in multiple sizes

The diameter of these patches may vary, so you can use the size that you need depending on how big your pimple is.

Each pack costs ₩ 15,000 (S$18.45), and has 60 patches per box. Should you like to try out the effectiveness of the Dr. Wonder patches, do leave a request on Airfrov and a friendly traveller will have it flown back from Korea for you!

I Want To Try!


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